City expects to get millions from school zone speed cameras
A few schools near Ballard will be getting road safety improvements as the result of the revenues generated from school zone speeding cameras.
By the end of 2014, the city will install 15 school zone speeding cameras, in addition to the four that there already are. These cameras, officials say, should generate $14.8 million.
That revenue will work toward improving roads around schools. At more than 20 schools, including West Woodland Elementary in East Ballard/Phinney Ridge and Viewlands Elementary in Crown Hill, the city will make improvements such as new sidewalks, improved street crossings, and traffic calming.
“Keeping children safe as they travel to and from school, as well as throughout their neighborhood, is a top priority,” said McGinn. “This substantial new investment will help us make lasting improvements and encourage everyone to be safe on our roads.”
This effort is part of the School Road Safety Initiative launched earlier this year. This initiative is being advised by a School Road Safety Task Force and Interagency Team, made up of residents and members of school communities throughout the city.