September 2013

CityClub presenting One Stop Ballot Shop Mayoral debate Oct. 15

CityClub of Seattle is sponsoring a "live mayoral debate on Oct. 15 in the Armory at the Seattle Center. The event is billed as the One Stop Ballot Shop.

They say they plan to have other candidates and elected officials at the event to mix and mingle with voters, with Mayor McGinn and Senator Murray on stage.

Doors open at 5pm and the debate will run from 5:45 to 8pm.

This event isn't just a dry debate. It will include a beer garden, food and more and entry is free.

If you'd like to submit a question to the candidate in advance click here.

CityClub recommends that you register in advance (though it is not required). Click here to register.


Improving Rams drop match up to Tahoma

By Gerardo Bolong

KENT - The Mt. Rainier girls golf team dropped a 72-40 decision to Tahoma at the Riverbend par 36 front nine on September 26 while showing steady improvement from match to match.

"We have no year-round players and most of the girls didn't take up golf until the ninth grade, so this showing was very good," said assistant Ram coach Jeffrey Mills. "This was our highest point total, ever. Our goal is to get better each match and peak at the end to show well at district while getting a representative to state."

On Thursday at the team's home course, junior Taylor Prkut navigated the the course and carded a 51 as she led the Ram scorers with 51 points.

"I was happy with my lag putts from long range," she said. "On hole No. 7 I putted from 30-feet and got well within the three-foot range for the next putt. My fairway woods were much better than the previous match. The course conditions were set up for good scoring today. I really want to be a state qualifier."


Transit coalition plans to forge a united voice for West Seattle

If the turnout and excitement witnessed on the evening of Sept. 24, 2013, is any indication, West Seattle is well on its way in forming a united coalition of active community groups and individuals who will lobby elected officials for better transit service and travel infrastructure long into the future.

With their first meeting, the West Seattle Transit Coalition (UPDATE: The group is now going by West Seattle Transportation Coalition) packed the High Point Neighborhood House to talk about pressing issues, long term goals, and just how the coalition will be formed. Some elected officials are already listening as 34th District Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon, Seattle City Councilmember Richard Conlin and Chris Arkills, King County Executive Dow Constantine’s transit policy advisor, attended.


Ballard Weekend: Olaf's grand opening, decaf coffee tasting, and Sustainable Ballard Festival

Friday, Sept. 27

Olaf's Grand Opening

What: This weekend will be our Grand Opening at Olaf’s in Ballard. Beginning at 3pm Friday September 27th, From Friday to Sunday, Olaf's will commence three days of Craft Beer, Cocktails and Wine specials along with Live Music, Pinball, Football and Shenanigans! Wear a wig on Friday to be eligible for door prizes and merchandise. Saturday begins with Husky football at 4pm on the Big Screen in the Vagina Room followed by live bluegrass music from Cumberland Rise and Sweet Lou’s Sour Mash with drink specials all night. Seahawks Sunday starts at 9:45am with a HUGE game against the Texans.

Where: Olaf's (6301 24th Ave NW)

When: 3 p.m.

More info:

Joey Kline at Toast Ballard

What: Joey Klineplays from his own archives of original songs from Montana to Seattle. No cover

Where: Toast Ballard

When: 7:30 p.m. (5615 24th Ave W)

More info:

Comedy Sportz


Ballard Crime Watch: Man hit with bong; Money lifted from grocery store till; vacant home burglarized

Bicycles stolen from secured garage

Sept. 14, between 4:30 and 5:10 a.m., 5500 Block of 14th Ave NW -- Two suspects entered a secured parking garage by key, which was taken from the Knox Box outside the door. The burglars stole at least two bicycles -- one of which was a $5,000 specialized mountain bike -- from the tenants. They also entered the common areas and the elevator, as can be seen via surveillance video.

The Knox Box was not tampered with, suggesting the suspects had a master key to access it. The owner of the building said that they have already replaced all of the locks and electronic locks, making all of the keys and key fobs obsolete. The Knox Box itself is not being used due to the security compromise.

Wouldbe burglar gets interrupted

Sept. 20, 9:26 a.m., 8000 Block of NW 90th St -- An alarm sounded off and when responding officers got to the scene, they observed a suspect leaving on foot. When the officers walked up to the residence, they saw that it was burglarized.


Photo: Fall is in Ballard

Summer is gone, fall is here. While the unusually sunny summer gave Ballardites a much needed dose of Vitamin D, Ballard Ave looks best dressed up in autumn. Multicolored leaves strewn about historic buildings, wet cobblestone roads shine in city lights, the old town hall bell keeps ringing, waking us from our summer slumber.

Restaurants and bars on Ballard Ave lend themselves to this season. Some suggestions: Have a cup of hot tea at Miro and claim the pristine window seat. Indulge in a jar of warm molten chocolate cake paired with a full bodied red wine at Hot Cakes. For an intimate date, take advantage of Hazlewood’s cozy loft upstairs complete with comfy couches, and drink their delicious but decently priced cocktails. On a rainy day, if you’re waiting for the bus at Market St and 22nd Ave NW, make a mental note of the time schedule and duck into Sonic Boom and put on the headphones, explore some new music and get lost in your own mind. Heck, while you’re at the intersection, be predictable and warm yourself up with one of Starbucks’ pumpkin spiced lattes.

The season lasts only so long. Enjoy it while you can.


Chittenden Locks in Ballard schedules closures Oct. 2-3

From U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

The Hiram M. Chittenden Locks in Ballard is scheduled to close to all marine vessels 7:30-11 a.m., Oct. 2 and to close the large lock 8-11 a.m. Oct. 3, allowing U.S. Navy divers to prepare the Adult Salmon Exclusion Structure for normal winter operations.

The structure, immediately upstream of the locks, prevents salmon from entering the locks' saltwater return intake earlier in the year. Divers from Naval Base Kitsap, previously closed 10, 10-foot-by-6-foot doors and inspected the 30-by-60 foot curved-front, mesh screen structure in June. In the fall, the divers open the doors and remove the sensor cables to prepare for winter operations.

The divers will also prepare structures for a later de-watering in November.

The operation requires the Locks be closed to all but emergency vessels on emergency calls. The staff will make maximum efforts to complete the work as soon and as safely as possible. Boaters may call the lockmaster on duty at 206-783-7000 to verify the locks are open.


Special meeting notice

The Burien City Council has scheduled a Special Meeting for the purpose of interviewing Executive Search Firms to conduct the City Manager recruitment and selection process on Monday, September 30, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. at Burien City Hall, 400 SW 152nd Street.


'Coffee with the Sallys' comes to West Seattle Sept. 28

City Councilmembers Sally J. Clark and Sally Bagshaw have been holding informal coffee talks with people in various parts of Seattle and Saturday, Sept. 28 they come to West Seattle to hear concerns, offer their insights, and just talk one on one with people. the Coffee with the Sallys will be at High Point Public Library in West Seattle Saturday afternoon, Sept. 28, 2:30 p.m. - 4 p.m.

“You can never have too much West Seattle,” said Councilmember Sally Bagshaw. “Whether it’s parks, community centers, greenways, or public safety, there’s no shortage of issues to chat about.”

“Fun fact: High Point is the tallest hill in Seattle… but I’m guessing most West Seattleites already knew that fact,” said Council President Sally J. Clark. “Come learn more about the neighborhood, or bring topics of your own!”

WHAT: September “Coffee with the Sallys”

WHO: Councilmembers Sally J. Clark and Sally Bagshaw

WHEN: Saturday, Sept. 28, 2013, 2:30 p.m. – 4 p.m.

WHERE: High Point Public Library meeting room
3411 S.W. Raymond St., Seattle 98126
(SE corner of 35th Ave. SW & SW Raymond St.)


SLIDESHOW: Band in Seattle hopes to bring you the next national music stars

The path to musical stardom has never been easy. Today with competition for your attention coming from seemingly everywhere it's more difficult than ever. In the U.S. the music development culture that found record company executives (A & R people) combing nightclubs for potential stars is largely gone. Replaced in some ways by social media like YouTube, Facebook and others, the means by which artists get a larger audience are multiple but not necessarily easier or better.

Band In Seattle, a new television series produced by Conrad Denke of Victory Studios, aims to help bands leapfrog over the clutter of so many sources by introducing Seattle bands and their music in a unique way. The show, debuting locally on KSTW CW 11 on Dec. 7 at 11pm shows two bands in each of 13 episodes. Not just in a live performance in a "club" set built in the studio for the purpose, but in the band members real lives too. The show will air for 26 weeks.
