October 2013

SLIDESHOW:American Legion Hall is becoming West Seattle Veterans Center; Remodeled facility still needs $20,000 to complete the job

A West Seattle landmark, the American Legion Hall at 3618 SW Alaska Street is being completely re-imagined and remodeled with a very clear vision aimed at being a primary resource for veterans in our area. It is being renamed too as the West Seattle Veterans Center (WSVC). Legion Post 160 is still based there but the mission is being expanded to make the location useful to all veterans and their families plus offer a performance, event and meeting space for the public. It's an ambitious four stage plan being led by the new Legion Commander, Dr. Don Michael Bradford.


Star 101.5 FM surprises Highland Park Elementary teacher as Teacher of the Week

FM radio station STAR 101.5 paid a surprise visit Oct. 3 to Highland Park Elementary to honor teacher, Mrs. Amy West, as their Teacher of the Week.

West, a 3rd grade teacher, was nominated by her student, Andre Brown. STAR 101.5’s afternoon personality, Corine McKenzie, presented the award.

Each student received a goody bag full of prizes from Sound Credit Union, Dairy Farmers of Washington, KOMO 4, and STAR 101.5.

West received a personalized plaque from Issaquah Trophy & Awards, a $100 check and $100 VISA gift card from Sound Credit Union. Plus a makeover gift card courtesy of Blanc N’ Schwartz Salon in Kent.

STAR 101.5’s “Teacher of the Week” is a program that allows students to recognize local, deserving teachers for their commitment to the quality education of children. To nominate a teacher go to STAR1015.com.


Governor Inslee to make major education announcement at Cascade M.S. near White Center

Governor Jay Inslee, State Superintendent Randy Dorn and invited guests will appear at 12:30 p.m., Friday, Oct. 4, at Cascade Middle School where Inslee attended 8th and 9th Grade near White Center to make a major announcement about Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

NGSS are K–12 science standards that have been developed and are arranged in a coherent manner across disciplines and grades to provide all students an internationally benchmarked science education. The NGSS is based on the Framework for K–12 Science Education developed by the National Research Council.

Twenty-six states and their broad-based teams worked together with a 41-member writing team and partners throughout the country to develop the standards.


Police: Attempted child luring occurred outside West Seattle School

Seattle police are investigating an Oct. 1 attempted child luring that occurred outside Hope Lutheran School on the 4400 block of 42nd Ave. S.W.

According to the police report, a 10-year-old female Hope Lutheran student was walking towards her mom’s car near the school between 3:30 and 4 p.m. when she heard a male voice from a car parked on the north side of S.W. Oregon between 42nd and 41st say, “Hey little girl, come get in the car with me. I’ll take you home.”

The girl told police she replied, “No,” and ran to her mother’s car where she locked herself inside until her mom came out a few minutes later (the mother is part of the faculty at Hope Lutheran), according to the police report.

The mother then walked her daughter’s same route to look for the man, but found nothing.

The victim was unable to provide police with a suspect or vehicle description and police urged Hope Lutheran staff to call 911 if they see anything suspicious moving forward.


Youth football and avoiding concussions: Teaching a new way to hit in West Seattle

There was a time, not so long ago, when the crack of football players’ helmets colliding - as tackler and ball carrier came together - was cause for celebration.

“Great hit!” we would've cheered. “That’ll build character,” a coach might have quipped.

In the past few years things have changed dramatically, as the dangers of repeated concussions and the long-term brain injuries that can result from those hits have become something closer scientific consensus rather than research the NFL allegedly shunned as fringe for decades.

In late August the NFL agreed to pay a $765 million settlement to 4,500 ex-players and their families for health and behavioral problems resulting from repeated hits. On Oct. 8, two investigative reporters will release their book, League of Denial, which claims the NFL intentionally downplayed the dangers of concussions for many years. PBS Frontline will air their documentary by the same name on the 8th as well.


Foss Shipyard puttering off to Everett

In another sign of the times, the Foss Maritime shipyard located near the Ballard Bridge (660 West Ewing Street) is moving up to Everett.

The shipyard has been at its current location since 1974, when it moved up from Tacoma.

The parent company, Saltchuk, cites expansion as their main reason for moving. The existing shipyard in Seattle is not accessible to larger ships because they can't fit through the Ballard Locks, and the surrounding residential area makes it hard for them to expand outward.

To accommodate for future expansion, Saltchuk bought the 66-acre property of the old Kimberly-Clark pulp mill, which went defunct in February of 2012.

"We see tremendous opportunity and potential for further growth at the Everett site, a deep water port with unrestricted waterways. And we believe the redevelopment of this site as a shipyard and maritime complex will contribute a vital economic base to the Everett community," said Mark Tabbutt, Chairman of Saltchuk.

For Ballardites, the move is just another reminder that the neighborhood isn't the fishing village it used to be.


Grocery workers union,threatening strike, to meet with employers Oct. 10, 11

On Sept. 26 98 percent of unionized Puget Sound grocery workers voted to authorize a strike if a new agreement with their employers is not met. The union, including UFCW 21 and 367 chapters, represents 30,0000 workers, some of whom work at multiple Safeway and QFC locations in West Seattle.

At first it appeared a strike could happen as September turned into October, as union representatives said negotiations for a new contract to that point had fallen short. UFCW reps have said employers want to force part-time workers to get their health care through the Affordable Care Act exchange and lock wages at current rates.

In early October came an update from the union that they will bargain with employers on Oct. 10 and 11. If an agreement isn’t met, it could mean picketing employees outside local grocery stores in October.

“Our expectation is that they will come with a set of serious proposals,” the union wrote on their website.


You Are What You Eat: Back to soups for fall

By Katy Wilkens, MS, RD

There is that certain twinge in the air that tells you fall is on the way. With summer winding down, kale is back in my garden and new potatoes are just coming out of the earth. I am ready for fall foods like homemade soups, stews and chili.

The Italian wedding soup my son made the other night brought a glow to my insides. It wasn’t just from the soup itself, but knowing that the soup used the natural goodness of the garden – fresh veggies we had just harvested. The judicious use of a few pieces of low-sodium bacon for flavor meant he didn’t need to add any salt.

Tummy-warming meals can be made low-salt and healthy. Cook a big pot on the weekend to last you several meals, or freeze soup for a quick dinner when you don’t have time to cook.

Victor’s Italian wedding soup

Fresh ground turkey or pork should not have salt added. Check for a nutrition label on the package. If it has a label, chances are the meat is salted. Fresh turkey or pork should have less than 20 milligrams of sodium per ounce.

  • 1 onion, diced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced

Punk Rock Aerobics comes to West Seattle

Information from Seattle Parks

Seattle Parks and Recreation dept is proud to announce Punk Rock Aerobics in October!
Alki Bath House
2701 Alki Ave SW 98116
Tuesdays October 8, 15, 22, 29
6:45p – 7:45p
Register at Seattle.gov
Drop-ins welcome $10

The exercise sensation created for the misfit! Unique group fitness class featuring cardio, strength, training, and flexibility.
Teens and adults, all fitness levels encouraged.

click to hear Rachel Belle’s KIRO Radio feature:


Pet of the Week: Bos'n is a big sleepy sweetie

Jenni Styrk got her dog Bos'n, a pure bred Saint Bernard, almost five years ago and he's so named because her father is a pilot on a cruise ship. A Bos'n (or BoatSwain) is the senior crewman of the deck. He lives with the family Greg and Linda and Jenni's brother Ryan.

"My mom got him from somewhere really far, out south when he was a puppy and brought him back. We tied him to the front door and we went and hid and told my dad to go answer the door and he did and there was a Saint Bernard tied to the door!"

They had thought it was a good idea to get her dad a dog, "because my brother and I were going off to college."

Bos'n is a big dog at 175 lbs. but, "He's done growing," Jenni said laughing.

They feed him raw food twice a day. "It's like a big chub of beef and chicken and lamb all mooshed together," they get from "All the Best". He likes bananas and string cheese for treats and he's very attuned to the sound or maybe the smell of a banana, "and he will come running. It's pretty funny. I don't know how he got hooked on that."
