Santa's Workshop photos at the Junction still on if the rains don't come
Normally it's nice at Santa’s Workshop. But the weather has changed plans for the photos to be taken in the West Seattle Junction at Junction Plaza Park with Santa on Dec. 1. So the plans to create a Santa Booth with tents and craft activities in the Park on Alaska Street have been changed to a simple set with Santa If there's no rain...and the winds are not too great..they will still shoot the photos outside with Donna Sandstrom behind the camera.
She will be photographing kids in a windy open park setting as long the rains hold out.
Santa will listen to your children’s Christmas requests, and The Junction Association suggests a donation of $15 or more which will go directly to West Side Baby.
If rain does start, they will move Santa to City Mouse Store for a meet and greet the family is welcome to snap your own photos. There would be no room for photography. The weather forecast predicts a bit of rain at 11am and then just cloudy but still windy.