By Katy Wilkens, MS, RD
Nutrition and fitness manager
We live in berry heaven! The Pacific Northwest has the perfect climate for these “fruits of the forest,” as they are called in Europe. I just finished turning most of my garden’s tart red currants and strawberries into the most wonderful jelly and jam, and today I picked the first raspberries. The blueberries are hanging big and green on the bushes and my black gooseberries are ready to pick. In a couple of months, everyone will be scanning local vacant lots to pick the introduced, and sadly invasive, Himalayan blackberry.
If you don’t have a big garden, try planting red currants or some mountain blueberries. They can sit in your landscape unnoticed most of the year, and supply you with healthy treats in early summer.
Berries are good sources of nutrients. All red berries are brimming with vitamin C, and I’d rather have a bowl of fresh strawberries than a glass of high-calorie, reconstituted orange juice any day. Blueberries are high in antioxidants while raspberries and blackberries have lots of vitamin C, fiber and folic acid.