At Large in Ballard: Out of Cadence
By Peggy Sturdivant
Last Wednesday night I carried a stack of newspapers up from the basement; the last 52 weeks of the Ballard News-Tribune/Westside Weekly. I was considering updates on past columns. What struck me instead was a sense of a turning point in Ballard history that occurred in September 2013, which in hindsight feels as significant as when Ballard was annexed to Seattle in 1907.
“Serving Ballard since 1891.” Those were the small words beneath the Ballard News-Tribune banner on its front page, stand-alone edition. Looking back it’s so fitting that was last in front and center in August 2013. That’s the month when Lockhaven Apartments were sold to Goodman Real Estate, after 50 years in the Ecklund family. For 123 years there was the Ballard News and then Ballard News-Tribune, and for over 50 years Lockhaven Apartments.