October 2014

LETTER: An Open Letter to the Highline Community

Over the past several weeks, “Yes for Schools” signs have been disappearing. Our signs have been removed from major intersections and thoroughfares, especially those posted near “Vote No” signs.

Now someone has removed the “Yes” sign right from my front yard!

Highline Citizens for Schools has not removed or tampered with any bond opponents’ signs. Not only is it unethical, it is a criminal act, punishable by up to 90 days in jail. If you have any information about removal of our signs, we urge you to report it to your local police and/or highlinecfs@gmail.com.

Not only have bond opponents trespassed on private property to remove signs, their flyers and mass emails are filled with half-truths, distortions, and inaccuracies.

These tactics are a reflection of bond opponents’ values. They play fast and loose with the facts. They have failed to register their campaign with the state, as required by law, though they are posting signs, distributing leaflets, and soliciting campaign contributions. They call themselves “SSOS”, but they are skirting the law and hiding their identities, and thus their agenda.

Bow lake elementary to honor veterans

SeaTac Mayor and State Rep. Mia Gregerson to Read Jill Biden Book;
Gregerson’s 92-Year-Old Father to Speak

SeaTac, WA – The students of Bow Lake Elementary School are inviting local veterans to an assembly honoring veterans and active military personnel at 9:45 a.m., Friday, November 7. The program will be followed by a small reception.

SeaTac Mayor and State Representative for the 33rd District Mia Gregerson will read Don’t Forget, God Bless Our Troops, by Jill Biden. Veterans, including Gregerson’s 92-year-old grandfather, will answer student’s questions regarding their military experiences. Fifth grade music students and the Huntington Park Chorus, under the direction of Greg Wright, will sing patriotic songs.

“Last year, several of our guests told me it was the first time they had ever been honored at a Veterans Day celebration,” said Sue Bjelke, Music Specialist at Bow Lake.
“Although the students may not fully comprehend the sacrifices made by veterans, it is important that we honor and never forget our veterans.”


LETTER: Repair or rebuild?

Dear Editor:
This may seem counter intuitive, but it is often cheaper to construct a new building than to continue pouring money into repairs of an old deteriorating structure.

That is certainly the case with nearly 100-year-old schools like Highline High in Burien and Des Moines Elementary, which will be replaced if voters approve Highline Public Schools construction bond measure in November.

As you can imagine, schools built in the 1920s were not built to current fire or earthquake codes. Heating, ventilation and plumbing are also seriously out of date. They also lack the critical electrical capacity to support technology our students need to be prepared for the workplace of today and tomorrow.

Given the limits of the old construction in buildings that have lasted way past their intended lifespans, it might be impossible to make needed repairs at any cost. Continually repairing deteriorating buildings is costly and money now spent on repairs can be invested back into the classroom.

Robbery and assault near 16th Ave. SW and SW Roxbury St

Around 10:45 pm on Oct 28, Seattle police and the guardian one helicopter set up containment near 16th Ave SW and SW Roxbury street that involved some kind of street robbery/assault. They were searching for three suspects. The victim was injured in the attack.

About 10 minutes later SPD caught up with two possible suspects after finding them a few blocks south of where the incident happened.

SPD finally caught the third suspect around 11 pm.


Parents carry their little kids across 35th from Camp Long, which is very dangerous

Residents discuss reasons, suggestions for improving safety on 35th

by Gwen Davis

The second of two interactive meetings on safety improvements for 35th Ave. kicked off Tues. afternoon at the Southwest Library with SDOT manager, Jim Curtin.

“The goal of this project is to implement safety for everyone who uses the corridor,” Curtin said. “We will have a list of short and long term improvements, with public input.”

The meeting included a discussion on the background of the corridor, a general Q&A and a breakout session where participants had the chance to look at charts, talk ideas out with fellow residents and provide personal input.

The improvements will begin in the spring/summer of 2015.

Takeaways of the meeting:


The Psychic View – Why me?

By Marjorie Young

One day recently, my friend ‘Rachel’ disclosed some unexpected news; she’d been diagnosed with colon cancer. Obviously, this is enough to unsettle anyone, but her disquiet had an additional cause. Rachel follows a strict diet, is physically active, and moreover, attempts to live by spiritual values. She attends yoga class daily and never fails to meditate. Beyond this, she vows to be ‘loving and forgiving’ to all, though, being human, anger sometimes rears its ugly head. Yet, despite creating a well-regulated, harmonious existence, she was beset with a serious disease. “After all I’ve done to get my life together, why should this happen to me?” she lamented.

While sympathetic, I was nonetheless taken aback. Did she truly believe if she ‘did everything right’ that nothing ‘bad’ could happen to her? Obviously, eating with care, plentiful exercise, and meditation are highly desirable choices…which may lessen chances of developing myriad conditions, including heart disease, obesity, and high blood pressure. Yet, they are certainly no guarantee of living affliction-free.


Edgar Allan Poe inspired exhibit to launch at Factory vs. Academy in Ballard

Factory vs. Academy, an art gallery/bookstore, is pleased to announce its second show-- an exhibition dedicated to Edgar Allan Poe's classic horror tale. Featuring new work by Ballard artist Joe Reno, the gallery has been transformed by the eerie glow of black light where Reno's 'eye' paintings and fantastic assemblages give the short story a whole other dimension. The gallery is located at 2220 NW Market St. B01 (lower level) next to Bop Records. Exhibition runs through Nov. 23rd. Hours Sat/Sun from 1-8pm with special Halloween Eve hours (Fri. Oct. 31st) 3-8pm.

Joe Reno grew up in the Pacific Northwest and has created art his whole life. He is a luminary in the Seattle art scene and his work has been shown and collected at various institutions including the Seattle Art Museum, Museum of Northwest Art, and Tacoma Art museum.

Fall brings a change in the climate of consciousness

Psilocybe mushroom picking in Seattle

Terence Mckenna, writer, psychonaut, conduit of the mushroom and frequent lecturer in Seattle, said, “Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behavior and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.”

His words may offend some readers, but for others, his take on psychedelics and mushrooms in particular, pique an insatiable curiosity for consciousness exploration. Indeed, in the last few years new interest using psilocybe in psychological and neurological research has started to bud. This interest has spurred the Ballard News-Tribune to investigate an underground mushroom culture right here in the Puget Sound region.

Psilocin and psilocybin (4-phosphoryloxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine) are the active psychedelic compounds in “magic mushrooms” that create the psychoactive effects. The compounds are similar to serotonin, an important neurotransmitter in humans that affects mood and wakefulness among other things.


Bonney-Watson to host special Veterans Day ceremony

Over the past 146 years, Bonney-Watson has laid thousands of veterans to rest, at our own cemetery at Washington Memorial Park in SeaTac, at Mount Tahoma National Cemetery in Auburn, and at cemeteries around the Puget Sound.

On Nov. 11, we will celebrate these and all of our nation’s service men and women with our Annual Veterans Day celebration.
• Tuesday, Nov. 11
• 10:00 am
• Veteran’s Court of Honor at Bonney-Watson / Washington Memorial Park
• 16445 International Boulevard in SeaTac, WA 98188 (206) 242-1787

The ceremony will include a presentation of memorial wreaths with bagpiper. In addition, we will add a special recognition for each veteran who was buried at Washington Memorial Park during this past year. The program will be followed by a full hot brunch and a showing of the National Geographic documentary Arlington: Field of Honor in the Washington Memorial Chapel. This powerful film will take us on a tour of one of America’s most sacred places while exploring its history and traditions.

Ballard Development: One application to develop a site zoned as fish and wildlife habitat and three subdivisions approved

The Department of Planning and Development announced that there are two new subdivision applications in the works within the Ballard area. One application requires a SEPA review because the project site is zoned as a Fish and Wildlife Habitat. In addition, three subdivision applications have been approved.

Appeals must be received no later than 11/10/2014 at http://www.seattle.gov/dpd/permits/commentonaproject/default.htm

8727 25th Ave NW

Land Use Application to subdivide one parcel into two parcels of land in an environmentally critical area. Proposed parcel sizes are: A) 7,200 sq. ft., and B) 10,189 sq. ft. Existing structure to remain.



The following approvals are required:
Short Subdivision to create two parcels of land. SEPA Environmental Determination (This project is subject to the Optional DNS Process (WAC 197-11-355) and Early DNS Process (SMC 25.05.355). This comment period may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of this proposal.)
