At Large in Ballard: Snapshot of November 10, 2014
By Peggy Sturdivant
It was that kind of bright, beautiful day in November that you know is one of the last. The remaining leaves on the trees looked extra bright; triumphant they had survived the first windstorm. All the mountains were out. I decided to walk the mile-and-a-half to downtown Ballard.
After watching all the modern box houses rise like children’s blocks near 28th & 64th NW I didn’t think there was anything left to surprise me there. I was wrong. The beloved tree with fort on the southeast corner wasn’t just gone; it was as though tree and the little yellow house had never been there. The rectangular hole covers the entire lot.
From that corner on, everything about Ballard looked different to me, as though I was wearing special glasses to capture so many things on the brink of change: five leaves remaining on one Full Moon Maple, the round-cheeked baby in the passing stroller who would be walking by spring.