LETTER: Where will the money come from?
To the editor:
It is important that the citizens of the Highline School District understand
the enormous commitment they are being asked to make by the Highline
School District Board on February 10th. For this reason, Karen Steele,
Normandy Park resident, founded an educational committee called
Sensible Spending on Our Schools (SSOS). She feels that every citizen
should know the breadth and scope of this Bond and its effect on their
Unfortunately, Lois Schipper, President of Highline Citizens for Schools, in
an attempt to quash the opposition to the Highline School Consruction
Bond, felt compelled to file a complaint with the Public Disclosure
Commission (PDC). Lois Schipper claims that the proper paperwork was
not filed with the PDC. However, contrary to Lois Schipper's notions, Karen
Steele assures that all necessary paperwork has been filed with the
appropriate agencies and that nothing illegal or improper has occurred. And
while the PDC is doing it's duty and looking into Lois's complaint, SSOS
has not been charged with any wrong doing.
In August 2014, when Sensible Spending on Our Schools was founded and