January 2015

SLIDESHOW: The future of Pier 5

New cranes, upgrades and a potential leasing opportunity for the Harbor Island terminal

It has officially been announced that the Port of Seattle is currently engaging in negotiations with Foss Maritime as a potential tenant on Pier 5, using the terminal as a repair and service hub for Shell Oil vessels going to and from Alaska.

“Basically, from my perspective we had a task from the commission to go out and find interim temporary uses at T-5 while we are doing the designs and permitting and construction phase to get “big ship” ready, so when we were out soliciting a variety of different business opportunities we had a couple of prospects with Foss come up, that are really good prospects, a good fit, and they fit the time window, they fit in alignment with the port’s mission and central agenda,” explained Linda Styrk, the Managing Director of the Seaport Division with Port of Seattle.


Murray questions County plan to “book and release” more felony suspects

Mayor Ed Murray has serious concerns about a King County proposal to release additional felony suspects in property crime cases immediately after booking in downtown Seattle. The mayor outlined his concerns today in a letter to King County Executive Dow Constantine.

“This proposed plan presents an unacceptable public safety risk to the residents of Seattle and will undermine our mutual efforts to reduce drug and property crimes,” wrote Murray. “This proposal also has serious potential policing and budget implications for the City of Seattle.”

On Feb. 1, King County plans to reduce the inmate population by instituting a “book-and-release” policy for several felony drug and property offenses, including auto theft, hit and run (with injury), malicious mischief, reckless endangerment, stolen property, theft, vehicle prowl and drug possession.

The proposed plan will mean that suspects arrested for these crimes in communities around King County will be brought to Seattle to be booked and then released onto the streets of downtown.


City of Seattle now accepting proposals to Neighborhood Park and Street Fund

Deadline is February 9, 2015

The city of Seattle is accepting proposals to the Neighborhood Park and Street Fund (NPSF) which supports improvements to neighborhood parks and streets proposed by the community. The deadline for applications is February 9, 2015.

The NPSF can be used for projects valued up to $90,000. Examples of park projects include minor playground improvements, trail upgrades, natural area renovations, park benches and tables, and accessibility improvements. Examples of street projects include crossing improvements such as marked crosswalks, curb bulbs, and pedestrian countdown signals; and traffic calming, such as traffic circles and speed feedback signs. Awarded projects will be completed in 2016.

To learn more about the fund or to propose a project, visit seattle.gov/neighborhoods/npsf/default.htm. Any individual, neighborhood group, or business group is eligible and encouraged to apply.

For questions, contact your Neighborhood District Coordinator with Seattle Department of Neighborhoods or Wendy Watson at 206-684-0719.


Fremont Bridge Nighttime Closures Next Two Weekends

The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) will close the Fremont Bridge for painting to all traffic between midnight and 7a.m. both Saturday and Sunday mornings this weekend, and next weekend. The bridge’s southern span will be raised and kept upright so crews can prime and paint the steel underneath and behind the bridge counter-weight.

Vehicles and Metro buses will be detoured across the Ballard Bridge, although the Aurora Bridge on SR99 is also an alternate route. Bicyclists and pedestrians will be provided brief opportunities to cross at 1:20 a.m. and 2:20 a.m., when the southern span will be momentarily lowered for crossing.

Marine traffic will be able to pass freely underneath the bridge on the Lake Washington Ship Canal.

Painting of the northern half of the Fremont Bridge was recently completed, and the environmental containment system is currently being re-established under the southern span. For more information about the painting project please visit http://www.seattle.gov/transportation/bridgepainting_current.htm


Pat's view: Hawk's Rock

by Pat Cashman

Crummy joke I use at charity auctions---especially those that might feature Seahawks game tickets: “Hey, how many people here in the room actually traveled to New Jersey to see the Hawks in the Super Bowl?” Perhaps a few hands go up, but usually none. Then I say, “Don’t feel bad. Most of the Broncos didn’t show up either!” (I told you it was a crummy joke.)
And now, the Northwest’s favorite team is again knocking at the championship door---and if somehow they should return to the Super Bowl, the delirium will start all over again.
But please know this newbies: It wasn’t always so.

Until the Hawks finally made their way into their first Super Bowl in 2005, they had the longest drought of playoff victories of any NFL team, going back to 1984. Even for a camel, that’s a long time without even a sip of water.

The team’s first season was in 1976---and the name, Seahawks, came after 20,000 entries in a naming contest. Names rejected---and I’m only guessing at this:


Pat's View: Hawks Rock

By Pat Cashman

Crummy joke I use at charity auctions---especially those that might feature Seahawks game tickets: “Hey, how many people here in the room actually traveled to New Jersey to see the Hawks in the Super Bowl?” Perhaps a few hands go up, but usually none. Then I say, “Don’t feel bad. Most of the Broncos didn’t show up either!” (I told you it was a crummy joke.)

And now, the Northwest’s favorite team is again knocking at the championship door---and if somehow they should return to the Super Bowl, the delirium will start all over again.

But please know this newbies: It wasn’t always so.

Until the Hawks finally made their way into their first Super Bowl in 2005, they had the longest drought of playoff victories of any NFL team, going back to 1984. Even for a camel, that’s a long time without even a sip of water.

The team’s first season was in 1976---and the name, Seahawks, came after 20,000 entries in a naming contest. Names rejected---and I’m only guessing at this:

The Sea Anemones, Sea Horses, Sea Cows, Sea Biscuits, Sea Gulls and Sea Slugs. Also getting some votes---Sea Galley.


“Hawks Rock”

By : Pat Cashman

Crummy joke I use at charity auctions---especially those that might feature Seahawks game tickets: “Hey, how many people here in the room actually traveled to New Jersey to see the Hawks in the Super Bowl?” Perhaps a few hands go up, but usually none. Then I say, “Don’t feel bad. Most of the Broncos didn’t show up either!” (I told you it was a crummy joke.)

And now, the Northwest’s favorite team is again knocking at the championship door---and if somehow they should return to the Super Bowl, the delirium will start all over again.

But please know this newbies: It wasn’t always so.

Until the Hawks finally made their way into their first Super Bowl in 2005, they had the longest drought of playoff victories of any NFL team, going back to 1984. Even for a camel, that’s a long time without even a sip of water.

The team’s first season was in 1976---and the name, Seahawks, came after 20,000 entries in a naming contest. Names rejected---and I’m only guessing at this:

The Sea Anemones, Sea Horses, Sea Cows, Sea Biscuits, Sea Gulls and Sea Slugs. Also getting some votes---Sea Galley.


Two teens arrested for burglarizing, trashing Greenwood home

Information provided by Seattle Police Department
Written by Andrew Garber

Police arrested two teenagers Wednesday for breaking into a Greenwood home while the owner was on vacation and leaving behind a huge mess of garbage and graffiti.

A neighbor tipped off police that people were inside a home, located in the 100 block of Northwest 95th Street, that should have been empty. When officers arrived, they found a broken back window with a blanket covering the jagged glass.

Officers surrounded the house, yelled “Seattle Police,” and heard people running around the house in a panic. Eventually, one of the burglars opened the front door. Police arrested two teenage boys, ages 14 and 15.
Inside the home, officers found belongings scattered everywhere, drug paraphernalia, graffiti throughout the home and garbage. Police booked the teens into the Youth Services Center on burglary charges.

Read actual post here.


Sports Roundup for 1-8-15

Wednesday, Jan. 7

Girls basketball
West Seattle 61, Holy Names 46
West Seattle stunned Holy Names to up its overall season record to 9-2 Wednesday.
Garfield 62, Chief Sealth 52
Garfield grabbed a victory against the Seahawks in Wednesday action.
Kennedy 44, Hazen 29
The Lancers won convincingly this past Wednesday.
Foster 49, Highline 47
The Bulldogs edged out the Pirates by two points Wednesday.
Lindbergh 54, Tyee 13
The Totems were trounced by Lindbergh in a Wednesday contest.
Renton 53, Evergreen 34
Evergreen fell to the Indians on Wednesday.
Crosspoint 45, Shorewood Christian 13
Crosspoint clobbered Shorewood Christian in Wednesday action.

Boys basketball
Renton 64, Evergreen 37
Renton routed the Wolverines on Wednesday.
Kennedy 64, Hazen 56
The Lancers took sole possession of first place in the Seamount League with Wednesday's win.
Foster 49, Highline 40
Foster was victorious against the Pirates on Wednesday.
Tyee 64, Lindbergh 54
Tyee topped the Eagles in a Wednesday contest.

Mount Rainier
