West Seattle Nursery will have a much larger presence at 2015 NW Flower and Garden Show
West Seattle Nursery will have a much larger presence at this year's Northwest Flower and Garden show.
Bill Hibler speaking for the Nursery said, "Prior to 2013, our only presence was one of the small displays on the Skybridge. In 2013, we were asked to provide the plant material for one of the large garden designs. We installed over 63 varieties of conifers and other shrubs and were the unofficial designate of second place in the People’s Choice award. The garden itself earned a silver medal. In 2014, we elected to have our own display garden and won a gold medal as well as the “Best Show Theme”.
The show was very pleased with our performance as a first time displayer and invited us back. This year, we will have a display twice as large as last year and be in one of the main islands in the center of the floor. We will be displaying a variety of plants and habitat for birds and bees, all constructed from reclaimed materials.
Tickets for the show are available at the nursery.