May 2015

City of SeaTac Community Meeting Planned for May 21st at Bow Lake Elementary

The City of SeaTac will be hosting a Community Meeting on May 21, from 6 p.m.-8 p.m. at Bow Lake Elementary School located at 18237 42nd Avenue S., SeaTac, to discuss the results from the recent Resident Satisfaction Survey. All are welcome to attend. The purpose of the survey was to gauge residents’ satisfaction with City services and gain input on what the City can do better to meet the community’s needs and expectations. “This community meeting is an opportunity to directly report the results of the survey to our residents and to receive additional feedback.” said City Manager Todd Cutts. “It is part of our continuing effort to improve engagement and opportunities for conversations with the community.”


Cyber Safety Tips

What to lookout for and how to stay safe

With the proliferation of easy-to-carry wireless electronics and mobile technology, as well as the increasing availability of public wireless hotspots, communications and access to information has become more and more convenient. But you may want to think twice before logging into a free, unprotected hotspot. Grabbing a few minutes of connectivity has become simple, but identity thieves are discovering that piggybacking onto Wi-Fi is a great way to steal unsuspecting users' private information.

Here are some examples of how that might happen and some tips to protect yourself.

Man in the Middle
In a “Man-in-the-middle attack,” a malicious user inserts himself between two parties in a communication and impersonates both sides of the exchange. The attacker then intercepts, sends and receives data meant for each user, such as account numbers or passwords. Such an attack occurs most commonly when people are using free or unsecured Wi-Fi connections.

Evil Twin


Shady Signals – New survey shows Washington wireless users unaware and unprepared for Online Attacks

Nearly half of Washingtonian web surfers fail quiz about online and wireless safety

With the latest in smart phones, tablets and wireless web access, staying connected has never been easier. The power of wireless computing and communications puts information and resources just a click away at home or at our favorite coffee shop.

But a new survey of Washington web surfers shows the freedom and convenience of wireless access may come at a cost. Nearly half of Washington Internet users failed a quiz about online and wireless safety, while many admit to engaging in activity on their mobile devices that could put them squarely in the sights of hackers looking to steal their personal information.


Nurses and healthcare workers at Cascade Behavioral Health Hospital to strike over staffing and safety concerns

Strike begins 6:00am Thursday, May 14 unless Cascade agrees Citing concerns over safety for both patients and staff, nurses and healthcare workers at Cascade Behavioral Health Hospital have notified the hospital that they will stand up for patients in an unfair labor practice strike May 14 unless management agrees to make immediate improvements.

Nurses and healthcare workers cite chronic staffing shortages and high turnover as indications that patients aren’t getting the care they need, leaving both patients and staff open to ongoing assaults and injuries.

Tennessee-based Acadia Healthcare, a for-profit mental health provider, purchased the hospital (formerly part of Highline Medical Center) in 2013, when caregivers report commitment to patient care began declining. This underlines concerns that for-profit providers like Acadia are capitalizing on our state’s mental health crisis, putting both patients and staff at risk.


North ferry lane closed Wednesday, May 13 from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.

information from WSF

On Wednesday, May 13, the north ferry lane will be closed from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Crews will be pouring concrete for a curb next to the ferry lane.

Keeping ferry traffic moving
King County has been working closely with Washington State Ferries throughout the project to ensure minimal disruption to traffic along Fauntleroy Way SW and to keep ferry traffic moving.

While the north ferry lane is closed, commuters can expect flaggers as necessary to assist pedestrian and bike traffic during work hours.

What to expect
· North ferry lane closed from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
· Barton Pump Station work hours – Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
· Noise and dust typical of a construction site.


City of SeaTac Community Meeting Planned for May 21st at Bow Lake Elementary

The City of SeaTac will be hosting a Community Meeting on May 21, from 6 p.m.-8 p.m. at Bow Lake Elementary School located at 18237 42nd Avenue S., SeaTac, to discuss the results from the recent Resident Satisfaction Survey. All are welcome to attend. The purpose of the survey was to gauge residents’ satisfaction with City services and gain input on what the City can do better to meet the community’s needs and expectations. “This community meeting is an opportunity to directly report the results of the survey to our residents and to receive additional feedback.” said City Manager Todd Cutts. “It is part of our continuing effort to improve engagement and opportunities for conversations with the community.”


LETTER: Is the city giving away a sidewalk to a developer?

There will be a Public Hearing at Des Moines City Hall on Thursday, May 14 starting at 7 p.m. regarding the vacation and sale of a section of well used publicly owned sidewalk on 7th Ave. S. in downtown Des Moines to a private developer. This sidewalk is a necessary part of the system-wide right of way (road and sidewalk) all along that crucial downtown corridor. Public ownership is essential for pedestrian safety and successful commercial development downtown. If a portion of the public right of way is vacated, limited public usage may continue if the private property owner grants an easement of passage. However, other public uses appear to be vacated along with the vacation of public ownership including placement of signs (political/commercial/real estate) and freedoms of speech, assembly, and petition.

This vacation of public right of way of a critical component for downtown access would set a precedent for future vacations/sales of public right of way to private parties under the principle that private property owners are treated equally.

Draft joint statement, Tukwila Police Department and Tukwila School District

The Tukwila Police Department and Tukwila School District collaborated on a drug investigation to ensure the safety of Foster High School students and faculty. That investigation is now complete. Results of the investigation indicate there is not a pervasive drug culture at Foster High School, though two students were arrested for selling Molly (an amphetamine-related narcotic), powdered cocaine and marijuana. These two students are being charged with felony drug sales. In addition, an adult not affiliated with Foster High School will be charged with drug sales on school property.

Two previous incidents, one involving a Foster High School student and a drug-related robbery, and one that involved a student in possession of narcotics and a firearm on the way to morning classes at Foster High School, precipitated this investigation. Because these two incidents occurred relatively close together, the Police Department and School District determined that the best course of action was to understand the scope of any potential drug related issues within Foster High School.


Donations sought for scholar-athletes

It is time for the fourth annual Highline Public Schools Scholar-Athlete, Coach and Community Recognition Program

The banquet will be held Tuesday, May 19 – 6: p.m. at Mount Rainier High School.

Individuals have the option to purchase a scholarship in their own name or in honor or memory of another individual. Minimum contribution for a “named” scholarship is $500.

Individual contributions from $10-$499 will support the HPS Community Scholarship or an individual School Scholarship of the donor’s choice. Contributors receive name recognition in the full-color, professionally produced banquet program.

Please donate online at HYPERLINK "" Highline Schools Foundation or make check payable to Highline Schools Foundation Mailing Address: 15675 Ambaum Boulevard S. W., Burien, WA 98166
Please refer questions to Terri McMahan, Director of Athletics, 206-200-2066 or
