July 2015

Phinney man invents fort building kit for kids

Legos. Lincoln logs. K’NEX. These timeless toys have captured the imagination of children for decades, teaching them the lessons of structure, weight, strength and the power of the imagination. Building things seems to be a natural inclination, and parents know the practice is not limited to pieces on the table; making forts is yet another expression of the child’s will to create.

Most adults can remember stacked couch cushions, blankets and sheets strung up on bedposts that spanned an entire room. We remember hiding out from pirates, cowboys and aliens in our absurd makes-shift domes of imagination. Indeed, the fort is a vehicle for any adventure.

A Phinney Ridge man knows all about forts and has invented a building kit that provides the pieces to create the timeless stronghold in a brand new way.
August Graube, inventor of Fort Boards, is about to launch his fort-building kit next week, and children – and maybe even adults – may find the will to build up and hide out an irresistible endeavor.


At Large in Ballard: Just a tree

By Peggy Sturdivant

I was actively looking for the good in Ballard last week, and I was finding it. In the midst of proposals that seemed to promise yet more density for Ballard through zoning changes I was determined to find bright spots. Meanwhile I had taken to always looking at the large Korean Ash tree on the former substation site on Market as though it was a sign that Old Ballard had not fallen. In Seafoodfest’s final hours I detoured around and noticed a man with belongings next to him sleeping on his side near the tree; its orange demolition notice on the ground instead of the trunk. He was still there the following morning as well.


You Are What You Eat: Hot weather makes for cool cucumbers

By Katy Wilkens, MS, RD

This long hot summer we’re having may stress salmon and raise forest fire risk, but it is really wonderful for the heat-loving vegetables in my garden. My veggie boxes are overflowing with cool, crisp cucumbers, almost a month earlier than usual.

If you don’t have a garden, get your cukes at a farmers market or local fruit stand. This mild tasting vegetable is perfect for dishing up in a wide variety of flavors, and that can help decrease the need for salt in foods. Homemade low-salt pickles can add a whole new flavor to your meals without the sodium we all need to avoid.

Some ideas to try:
• Peel alternating strips of skin off the outside of the cucumber before slicing to make a pretty presentation.
• Thinly sliced cucumber in ice water is a refreshing change to plain or lemon water.
• Freeze cucumber-infused water into ice cubes or popsicles.
• Use cucumber slices instead of crackers, topping them with your favorite cheese or cream cheese spread.
• Diced cucumber adds crunch to soft sandwich fillings such as egg, tuna and chicken salad.


Seattle Parks and Recreation improves Bergen Place landscaping

This summer, Seattle Parks and Recreation will provide landscape improvements at Bergen Place Park located in the heart of the Ballard on the triangular site between Leary Avenue, 22nd Avenue NW, and Market Street.

The goal of the planting maintenance and renovation work is to increase visibility from Leary Avenue, replace plants that are at the end of their life cycle, and discourage rodents from using the park planting beds.

This renovation work begins in mid-July 2015 with the removal of the hedge next to Leary Avenue. Seattle Parks and Recreation coordinated the hedge removal with pest control efforts and shared the plans with “The Friends of Bergen Place.” Planting of new plants will take place in the fall of 2015.


West Seattle stopped at state

By Tim Clinton

VANCOUVER--West Seattle saw its age 10-11 season come to a close with a 5-4 loss to District 9 on Tuesday night.

The Westsiders finished their state all-star Little League baseball stay with a 2-2 record after coming in as the District 7 champions.

The tournament was played at the Fort Vancouver Little League complex.


Charter school public forum excites, inspires and infuriates crowd

By Gwen Davis

The Washington State Charter School Commission held a public forum Tues. evening regarding the approval of Summit Public School, a West Seattle charter school that will open in the fall, if approved. The forum gave the opportunity for both proponents and challengers of charter schools to give testimony. Most testifyers were supporters of charter schools.

The meeting had around 300 people.

“Welcome to our first public forum,” the executive director of the organization said. "Tonight we’ll hear from Seattle Public Schools. We’re dedicated to create a safe and civil atmosphere for everyone present.

"This is for the public to learn,” he continued. "The commission is meeting on August 13. Three commissioners are here tonight to learn. They may interrupt the applicant for any clarification they may have.”

The three commissioners then introduced themselves to the audience.

People giving testimony had two minutes.

For individuals who did needed translation support had four minutes.

First there was a 15-minute presentation.


Shaping Seattle: Buildings

Putting Design Review on the Map

Today, the Seattle Department of Planning and Development (DPD) unveiled its newest online map application, Shaping Seattle: Buildings. The map provides the locations and detailed information on active Seattle development projects that require Design Review.

“Our new map is an interactive opportunity to learn more about what is being built in Seattle, and in your neighborhood,” says Mayor Ed Murray. “It is a great step forward in keeping communities more informed and involved in shaping the growth of our city.”

Whether it’s in your neighborhood or somewhere else, this mobile-friendly map encourages all users to comment on proposed projects. This fosters a more transparent Design Review process that values public outreach.

DPD also wants users to give feedback on the map itself, and how it can be improved in the future. This map improves access to the Design Review process and offers a foundation for including other enhanced features in the near future.

Users of the map can view/download each project’s design specifics, illustrations, permit statuses and upcoming community meetings.


Overuse Injuries: Education, assistance and pacing are key to prevention

By William Callahan, MD
Contributing Writer

Summer in Seattle means more people – of all ages and fitness levels – are taking part in sports and other outdoor pursuits. Although just about any aerobic activity is good, too much of a good thing done too quickly may cause more harm, often in the form of overuse injuries.

As a primary care sports medicine specialist, I see people for overuse injuries on a regular basis. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a seasoned athlete, there are a few important things to keep in mind.

Overuse injuries
There are basically two types of injuries: acute and overuse. Acute injuries are usually the result of a single, traumatic event. Common examples include wrist fractures, ankle sprains, shoulder dislocations and pulled hamstrings.

Overuse injuries, which are the most common and challenging to diagnose and treat, are more subtle and usually occur over time. They are the result of small, repetitive injuries to the tendons, bones and joints. Common examples include tennis elbow, runner’s knee, Achilles tendinitis and shin splints.


Spoke and Food Bike To Dinner event set for July 28

Bike and dine at one or more of the many great Seattle area restaurants or breweries that will each donate 20% of their total sales from the evening to this year’s event beneficiary, the non-profit road safety group Seattle Neighborhood Greenways (riding your bike is not a requirement for participation in this fun evening charity event).

Please sign up to let us know you plan to attend! http://bit.ly/1RKfINb

Ballard (North) – Barking Dog Alehouse
Ballard (South) – Maritime Pacific Brewery
Capitol Hill – Canterbury Alehouse
Fremont – Fremont Brewery
Greenlake – Lucia
Greenwood – RAZZI’s Pizzeria
Interbay/Magnolia – Highliner Public House
Northgate – The Watershed Pub & Kitchen
Ravenna – Vios Café at Third Place Books
Seward Park – Flying Squirrel Pizza
West Seattle – The Westy
White Center – Proletariat Pizza

More at www.spokeandfood.com & www.SeattleGreenways.org

Event Co-sponsors include Whole Foods, Kinetic Sports Rehab, Queen Anne Eye Clinic, New Roots Organic, and Gregg's Cycle.

Sign up please! https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/UKxgCR3vhxlJPdtephsG9g

Upcoming meetings to discuss encampment sites in Ballard and West Seattle

Seattle Green Spaces Coalition has been attending meetings with community and government organizations about the proposed encampments in Ballard and West Seattle. We will be discussing outcomes from these meetings as well as other public engagement in preserving publically owned land for future Open Space in Seattle. Come to our meetings and share your ideas about Open Space issues.

For Ballard & Northside members:

When: Sunday, July 26, 3:00PM - 4:45 PM
Where: Magnolia Library Meeting Room- 2801 34th Ave W, Seattle

For West Seattle & Southside Members:
When: Sunday, August 9, 3:00PM - 4:45 PM

All are welcome at either meeting.