Phinney man invents fort building kit for kids
Legos. Lincoln logs. K’NEX. These timeless toys have captured the imagination of children for decades, teaching them the lessons of structure, weight, strength and the power of the imagination. Building things seems to be a natural inclination, and parents know the practice is not limited to pieces on the table; making forts is yet another expression of the child’s will to create.
Most adults can remember stacked couch cushions, blankets and sheets strung up on bedposts that spanned an entire room. We remember hiding out from pirates, cowboys and aliens in our absurd makes-shift domes of imagination. Indeed, the fort is a vehicle for any adventure.
A Phinney Ridge man knows all about forts and has invented a building kit that provides the pieces to create the timeless stronghold in a brand new way.
August Graube, inventor of Fort Boards, is about to launch his fort-building kit next week, and children – and maybe even adults – may find the will to build up and hide out an irresistible endeavor.