Nickelsville files permit for Ballard encampment, expects to pitch tents this week
Last week officials with Nickelsville filed a permit in order to open the homeless encampment in Ballard at 2826 NW Market Street.
Nickelsville is expecting the permit to be granted quickly and the first authorized campers are planned to start to moving in this week. Nickelsville social worker, David Delagado, said that they are already planning to move five tiny houses to the lot and set up a security station. About 45 people will live in the camp, some of which, around 25, are current Nickelsville residents. New residents apply for residency through a screening process and then adhere to strict camp rules.
However, there are already at least seven campers at the site. The campers are not enrolled with Nickelsville and are not authorized to be there.
Craig, 53, has been has been camping with his roommate Harvey at the site since Wednesday of last week and has been on the street since February 8 of this year. Craig said he has been living in Ballard since 1994 and that he worked at the Ballard Denny’s for nine years until it closed.
“Everybody has their own story as far as what got them here,” said Craig.