Four Ballard High School student filmmakers have won Cinematic Arts awards from the National YoungArts Foundation – tying the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts (LACHSA) for the most winners from a single school.
Ballard students have won the prestigious national award in recent years, but four winners is the highest number ever for the Seattle Public Schools high school, according to Matt Lawrence, the teacher who leads Ballard’s Digital Filmmaking Program.
Ballard’s winning film students are Coleman Andersen, Leo Pfeifer, Sho Schrock-Manabe and Meagen Tajalle. YoungArts winners receive cash awards, validation by renowned mentors, and opportunities to participate in YoungArts programs in Los Angeles, Miami and New York City.
Additionally, this is the 11th year in a row that Ballard students have been honored by Fresh Film Northwest. Two short films by Ballard students recently won at the competitive regional festival coordinated by the Northwest Film Center in Portland, Oregon. It accepts entries from filmmakers ages 13 to 19 in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington.