Are Ballardites eating slave shrimp?
Last week the Associated Press released a report that revealed most shrimp eating Americans have been consuming a product processed and cleaned by slaves in Thailand.
AP reported that slaves are imprisoned by their captors and forced to work up to 16 hours a day deveining, peeling and cleaning shrimp in “shrimp sheds” attached to distributing plants. Some slaves — including children — have been processing shrimp for over a year, with little or no pay, fueling a $7 billion export industry. According to AP, much of the shrimp distributed in the U.S. made its way via supply chains of companies like Kroger, Aqua Star, Waterfront Bistro and Chicken of the Sea and end up in popular grocery stores across the nation. The AP based their findings on U.S. Customs reports, which listed over 40 companies distributing slave-tainted shrimp. They also reported that they found shrimp linked to forced labor in grocery stores in every state in the U.S. The product also made its way onto plates in restaurants like Red Lobster and Olive Garden.