March 2016

Free rides on the water taxi April 10 for Community Appreciation Day

Sunday, April 10 is Community Appreciation Day, hosted by the King County Marine Division. So bring your friends and family out to Seacrest Dock and get an up-close look at the M/V Doc Maynard and take a ride across the bay to Pier 50. All trips will be free as the water taxi kicks off its summer sailing schedule.

“I invite my West Seattle neighbors to take a ride on our new state-of-the-art water taxi as we kick off the summer sailing schedule,” said Executive Constantine. “The M/V Doc Maynard is the latest example of how we’re offering clean, fast, reliable alternatives to gridlock. Grab your sunscreen and join us on April 10th”.

The M/V Sally Fox, the sister ship of the Doc Maynard operating the Vashon route, was recently named one of the top 10 passenger vessels in the world for 2015 by a leading maritime trade magazine. The vessel was recognized for her hull design which increases passenger comfort, deck layout for efficient boardings, and green technology features.


Sinking boat draws Fire Dept. and Coast Guard attention

A cabin cruiser that was taking on water put out a distress call and came ashore near 10455 Maplewood Pl SW shortly after 8am. Fireboats responded first, according to Seattle fire personnel on the scene and noted that three people were aboard the craft.

Shortly thereafter Coast Guard vessels showed up and the situation resolved. Firemen said the boat might be towed back to harbor but it apparently made its way under its own power, accompanied by rescue craft.

No one was hurt in the incident and no cause for the incident was noted.


Design Review Board meeting on 15 unit apartment bldg. in North Admiral set

A Land Use Application has been filed with Seattle DPD to allow a 3-story structure containing 15 apartment units at 1606 California Ave SW. Parking for 21 vehicles would be provided both below and at grade. Existing structures would be demolished.

A Design Review Board meeting on the project has been set for April 21.

Owned by Roger Cayce the project has been in the works for two years.


Date: Thursday, April 21, 2016

Time: 8:00 p.m.

Location: West Seattle Senior Center
4217 SW Oregon St
Hatten Hall

All meeting facilities are ADA compliant. Translators or interpreters provided upon request. Please contact the Public Resource Center at or (206) 684-8467 at least five business days prior to the meeting to request this service.



Free Wi-Fi coming to West Seattle and South Park community centers

Grant from Google will provide access and replace outdated computers too

As part of Mayor Ed Murray's Digital Equity Initiative free WiFi access will soon be more widely available to the residents of West Seattle. This has been made possible through a new grant from Google.

Google has provided $344,000 in grants to fund WiFi access points at all 26 Seattle Parks & Rec community centers, including Delridge, South Park, Alki, Hiawatha, and High Point Community Centers, which will improve public events, classes, camps and learning programs, and to provide WiFi to low-income families in Seattle Housing Authority housing.

Google will be working with SHA to provide internet to 800 low-income K-12 students and their families, including NewHolly, High Point, Rainier Vista, Lake City Court, and Yesler Terrace communities. Some community centers will also get new computers--the funding will be used to replace 31 outdated and obsolete computers at five RecTech Community Technology Labs, including Delridge.


Three arrested in late night Ballard armed robbery

Information provided by Seattle Police Department

Three suspects were arrested early this morning following an armed robbery with a shotgun at a 7-11 in Ballard.

Shortly after midnight officers responded to a 911 call of an armed robbery at the store located at NW 61st and 24th Avenue NW. The caller stated that a man with a shotgun had just robbed the store and left on foot with another accomplice. The clerk stated it was possible that the suspects left in a car.

Officers arrived quickly and spoke with the victim. The clerk stated that two masked men entered the store, one armed with a shotgun. The suspect with the shotgun struck the clerk in the back of the head during the robbery and left with an unknown amount of cash. Fortunately, the injury to the clerk was not serious.
While officers were interviewing the clerk, additional officers were searching the nearby neighborhood. Officers located a suspicious abandoned car at the corner of NW 70th and Jones Avenue NW. Officers could see a shotgun and cash inside the car. Clothing that matched the suspect’s attire was found just outside the car.


At Large In Ballard: Team Hall

By Peggy Sturdivant

During what’s rightly called the golden hour before sunset I walked to the playing fields behind Ballard Community Center and Adams Elementary. Little League teams were starting practice in all four corners. Multiple teams didn’t occur to me when I’d arranged to stop by Coach Jake Hall’s practice.

I spotted a Limback’s hat in the southwest corner and moved on. “Elks?” I called timidly at the next diamond. “Nordics,” came the reply. I moved east toward the far end where huge sugar maples watch over the field from just beyond the fence.

I recognized the voice as I advanced on a semi-circle of players looking up at their deep voiced coach. He was telling them that it wasn’t about winning, but perseverance and teamwork. Jake Hall should know. He had just arrived after a long workday as a machinist in Georgetown to coach in the neighborhood where he grew up. He’s not even a parent, and he has a lot of other things on his home plate right now.


DPD approves Loyal Heights School expansion, three code departures

Citizens are frustrated after the Department of Planning and Development approved a Seattle Public Schools expansion project at Loyal Heights Elementary School that has three zone variances.

Last Monday the DPD announced SPS could go on with plans to expand the school with the condition that a future courtyard be used as an open space recreational area for students.

From the DPD decision: “The north, internal courtyard, bounded on all sides by the school building, shall be made available for play at the direction and programming of the staff and principal of Loyal Heights Elementary School.”

With projections for dramatic student increases in the district, SPS has been looking for schools to expand. Based on student projections, available space and building characteristics, last year SPS identified North Beach Elementary and Loyal Heights Elementary (LHE), along with 13 other schools as potential sites for expansion.


State leaders say trust among establishments is vital to a thriving community

By Gwen Davis

For 16 years, public relations firm Edelman has conducted the global Edelman Trust Barometer survey on trust and credibility in leadership, according to the firm. This year, while overall trust has increased across all four sectors measured (government, business, media, nonprofits) reaching the highest levels since the 2008 recession, there are however signs of a concerning “trust gap” emerging between the informed public (top 15%) and the public at large, according to Edelman.

On Tuesday morning, professionals and community members came together for a formal brunch at Palace Ballroom downtown to have a conversation with state leaders who have their finger on the pulse regarding community trust.

Panelists included:
· Russell Dubner, U.S. President and CEO, Edelman
· Dow Constantine, King County Executive
· Ana Mari Cauce, President, University of Washington
· Maud Daudon, President and CEO of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce
