At Large In Ballard: Purrfecto!
By Peggy Sturdivant
Cynthia Chomos is a Feng Shui and color consultant. She specializes in designing spaces. It just happens that most of her is designing outdoor spaces for cats, and with the onset of summer this is her busy season.
When I told someone I was doing an interview about cat patios, or catios, she was surprised to learn they are “a thing.” The more you learn about them the more sense it makes. Especially if you want to be approved to adopt a cat by many shelters, and then want to increase the chance of the feline’s survival. As Chomos says, “A cat’s primal urge is to be outdoors.” Hence her company, Catio Spaces, which creates “safe outdoor enclosures” to give the “indoor” cat access to the outdoors, but without the ability to kill birds or dig in the neighbor’s lettuce starts.