July 2016

Kids + summer = long days, lots of play, new friends, family time…for some.

For other kids, summer means three months without a plan, without adult supervision, and for far too many, without nutritious meals. KCLS is connecting summer meal nutrition programs with hungry kids at 15 area libraries.

Without learning-based summer activities, most kids will go back to school in the fall knowing less than they did in the spring. Studies have documented the Summer Learning Gap and its consequences: kids who don’t read and learn during the summer quickly fall behind their peers, and end up farther behind every year.

More than one in five kids—nearly 227,200 in King County—face daily food insecurity. In high-impact districts some schools report nearly 90 percent of their students are eligible for free or low cost school meals. If these kids miss a day of school, they go hungry. When school’s out, they face a long summer of hunger, too.

Public libraries have a long tradition of free summer activities designed to engage and inspire kids—and grown-ups--of all ages. The King County Library System (KCLS) is no exception. From June through August, all 48 KCLS community libraries are hosting age-appropriate summer learning programs: early literacy skills for babies, toddlers and caregivers; STEM-based learning activities for K-6 elementary students; thought-provoking adventures for teens; and just plain fun with reading for adults.


Northwest Drivers: Illegal talking and texting isn’t “too dangerous”

PEMCO Poll finds that parents are among most frequent distracted driving offenders

SEATTLE – Despite overwhelming evidence proving the perils of distracted driving, the latest poll from PEMCO Insurance reveals that nearly half of Northwest drivers admit they illegally use their phones while driving – and a majority do it because they don’t think it’s “too dangerous.” What’s more, the worst offenders appear to be parents.

In a recent survey of Washington and Oregon residents, PEMCO found that about half of Northwest drivers (46 percent) admit to using their phone to talk or text while driving, at least on a few trips, when they know it’s against the law.

Of those who fess up to phone use, a majority (51 percent) explain that they do it because they don’t think the distraction is too dangerous in that moment. Others say they do it because they don’t think they’ll get caught.


Diamond Parking comes to Burien

by Ken Robinson

Downtown Seattle parking practices are coming to Burien.

Patrons of businesses in Olde Burien might be surprised to learn they will have to pay to park in what has always been a free lot.

Although many businesses have come and gone on that side of the street over the years, people got used to parking in the dirt lot between 9th and 10th S.W.

Parking during the 9 to 5 business day usually has not been a problem. After 5 p.m. when locals want something to eat and drink, they might now find it problematic.

Five businesses on that short block are owned buy a one man. His son a Renton dentist, manages the property. The lot is behind the corner on 9th where Poggi Bonsi was until 2012. Then some other kind of oddities shop was in there, now gone. And the strip along 152nd looks like a bums mouth with missing teeth--vacant store fronts. 909 and 913 are the only surviving businesses there owned by the same guy. The Thai place and The Tin Room are going strong and their patrons sometimes use that parking lot behind the former Poggi Bonsi space.


Diamond Parking comes to Burien

by Ken Robinson

Downtown Seattle parking practices are coming to Burien.

Patrons of businesses in Olde Burien might be surprised to learn they will have to pay to park in what has always been a free lot.

Although many businesses have come and gone on that side of the street over the years, people got used to parking in the dirt lot between 9th and 10th S.W.

Parking during the 9 to 5 business day usually has not been a problem. After 5 p.m. when locals want something to eat and drink, they might now find it problematic.

Five businesses on that short block are owned buy a one man. His son a Renton dentist, manages the property. The lot is behind the corner on 9th where Poggi Bonsi was until 2012. Then some other kind of oddities shop was in there, now gone. And the strip along 152nd looks like a bums mouth with missing teeth--vacant store fronts. 909 and 913 are the only surviving businesses there owned by the same guy. The Thai place and The Tin Room are going strong and their patrons sometimes use that parking lot behind the former Poggi Bonsi space.


Update: Thousands lose power in West Seattle; Now restored

Update 5:15am
Power has been restored.

Original post
A power outage began at 3:30 am in West Seattle and affected 3774 people. No cause was clear for the outage and the estimated time of restoration was 10 am.

You can check on the status of our own age by visiting http://www.seattle.gov/light/mobile/outagemap.asp

The outage extends from SW. Anderson St. from the south to SW. Brandon St. in the north .


Neighborhood District Councils to be replaced by a proposed "Community Involvement Commission"

By Gwen Davis

Lisa Herbold, District 1 Coucilmember said that on July 13, the mayor will propose to dissolve Seattle's 13 Neighborhood District Councils, to be replaced by a new "Community Involvement Commission".

The neighborhood district councils are not diverse enough, the mayor feels.

Herbold released this piece of "controversial" news at Tuesday's Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting.

“The Seattle Council got an initial report about a month ago, and were supposed to come back with some recommendations with how to move forward [regarding diversity and,” she said.

This issue has been stewing for a while.

Months ago, the city council agreed that they needed to know more about the neighborhood district councils. “What role do the neighborhood district councils have?” Herbold said, as she reviewed the issue for the meeting’s participants.

“Last Nov. the council asked the Department of Neighborhoods for a request for more information. The council was interested in learning whether they could reorient their programs… more equatable community engagement,” she said.

But time had run out.


22nd Annual West Seattle Garden Tour promises a cornucopia of garden delights

The West Seattle Garden Tour promises some unique garden delights this year as it shows off some of the best gardens in the community on July 17 from 9am to 5pm.

Ticket books are now on sale for $20 at these locations:

West Seattle Nursery ~ Junction True Value ~ Swansons Nursery ~ Wells Medina Nursery ~ BrownPaperTickets.com


The specific addresses will be found in the official program but the tour organizers have written these descriptions of what you'll see.

Casual Cottage Garden
From the foliage and flower explosion on the parking strip to a dragon-clipped boxwood hedge guarding the front porch, this unique garden exudes a casual and nostalgic cottage garden feel.

Serene Surroundings
This diversified garden of hardy plants and environments is also by intention a haven and food pantry for northwest birds.

Alki Gardener's Retreat


Seattle Parks and Recreation makes recommendation on Cove Park expansion

information from Seattle Parks

After considering public comments, input from a public meeting, and City policy, Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) has recommended that King County Wastewater Treatment Division move forward with the street vacation request which would involve the transferring of the King County owned property located at 8923 Fauntleroy Way SW to the City of Seattle. Having made this recommendation, the next step in the process involves King County Wastewater Treatment Division applying for a street vacation. This is one of many steps in the process prior to the Seattle City Council making a final decision on the street vacation and taking ownership of the property.


Southwest Seattle Police officers and leadership offer thanks to the community for their support

In response to the recent officer involved shootings

Captain Pierre Davis, representing the Southwest Precinct of the Seattle Police Department, and police officers everywhere released a special statement of gratitude that he and his staff wanted to share with West Seattle.



PacWest beats National for 9-10 title

By Tim Clinton

Look out Clarkston, here we come.

The PacWest age 10-11 Little League all-star baseball team is bound for the city on the far eastern border of the state of Washington along the Snake River across from Lewiston, Idaho as the District 7 champions after defeating South Highline National by a 16-8 score Saturday, July 2.
PacWest opens state play on Asotin Field No. 1 in Clarkston at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, July 23 against Marysville.

PacWest posted a 15-1 win over West Seattle to open the District 7 tournament Saturday, June 25 before beating Southwest of White Center, 21-1, the next day and downing South Highline National, 7-5, in the winners bracket final Wednesday, June 29.

National joined PacWest in the championship after coming from behind to beat West Seattle, 5-4, in the Friday, July 1 losers bracket final. But National needed to defeat PacWest twice to take the title and fell in the provisional championship Saturday, July 2.
