Good for you: He's a honey
By Kathryn Kingen
My brother Nick is a real honey. He keeps bees. He has stacks and stacks of hives and wears a super cool Buzz Lightyear outfit. (Okay yes, I'm a little jealous.) Every year he pulls the hive trays, decants the drippings and bestows golden bottles of his hallowed Hilger Honey on us. Nick proudly proclaims that his bees are special. "They're all free range, Kath!†he teases with his goofy grin. (Geez, Nick have you ever met a bee that wasn't?) "Best of all they are happy bees,†he says. "Well, actually sometimes they act like cranky little kids but most of the time they're so sweet you just want to hug 'em!" Alrighty then, you go right ahead, all I have to say is, you better keep your "Buzz" suit on brother!
Nick's hobby is an ancient one. In fact archeologists have found petroglyphs in Spain that show beekeeping drawings from 9,000 years ago and fossils of honeybees dating back as far as 150 million years. In Roman times the honey was so treasured that citizens used it to pay their taxes. (Hey, maybe Nick is onto something here.)