Leaving A Mark
By Teanna Gentry
There is a big change happening in Olde Burien. If you haven't been living under a rock the past couple months, you may have noticed the subtle changes at Mark Restaurant & Bar. Debra George, co-owner and all around community maven has sold her business to the local restaurateur Ramos family. I had time to sit down and enjoy a conversation over tasty food, drinks, and a packed house with Debra Wednesday night for her going away party. Living in Burien for the past 16 months I knew that my knowledge of Debra and her impact in the community was limited, so I was happy to have time to hear her story.
Q: What made Mark Restaurant & Bar unique and a community staple?
It was important for me to have the restaurant to be part of the community, to reach out and help where we could by either donating our product or our time. We programmed the restaurant with many activities and a regular newsletter to let our supporters know what was going on.
Q: What isn't changing from what the restaurant was to what it will be now under the new ownership?