West Seattle Food Bank gets new 'Shopping' model going
The West Seattle Food Bank began, "Probably the most important change since we opened," said Executive Director Fran Yeatts, on Tuesday Feb. 7 as they initiated a new "shopping model" for food distribution.
The West Seattle Herald was the first to tell you about the change last December.
Essentially those the Food Bank serves can now browse through the shelves and get the groceries they need by using a color code system and a regular shopping cart. The items on the shelves are color coded and clients who go through the aisles and shelves to select their own items. For example a client might take 2 items from the blue shelves, 3 from the yellow, and 1 from the green, based on the size of their family. Previously they would have had to wait for staff to retrieve items and fill bags for them.
In the future the Food Bank plans to have low sodium items and Halal or gluten free items in their own areas.