Getting there; SDOT Snow and Ice route map shows you how
With snow in the forecast for the next few days, getting around may be a challenge and SDOT has a snow and ice route map showing which roads get priority when conditions get slippery.
The map shows that California Ave SW will be cleared, all lanes bare and wet within a 12 hour lull in a storm. 35th SW will have one lane in each direction clear, bare and wet within a 12 hour lull in a storm.
As SDOT explains: "They are the streets that are most important for getting to major public institutions such as hospitals and schools, the streets that are most frequently used by police, fire trucks and buses, and streets leading to Seattle’s major employers. During a citywide snow storm, SDOT’s strategy is to treat streets of both levels of service at the same time to keep traffic moving. Remember, SDOT does not plow non-arterial streets.