Ballard High School robotics teams secure honors at international competition
The Ballard High School Viking Robotics team made school history last month by taking top honors at the FIRST Robotics world championship competition in Houston, Texas, marking the first time the school or any team from the Pacific Northwest secured a trophy.
The competition was held on April 20 -22 and 400 teams were invited from all over the world, which included Canada, China, Israel, Mexico, and Turkey.
The competition is known as “Varsity Sport of the Mind™,” for students grade nine through 12. During a six-week period teams raise funds and engineer a robot to performs a series of tasks; Teams have limited resources and time to organize their own “brand” of robot with the capability to perform the competition tasks.
FIRST Washington reported that the average cost for a robotics team is $24,000 and team sizes are between 15-150 with not limit to member size.
In a main competition of the event robots compete in a game much like basketball or soccer while students operate them remotely.