October 2019

Seattle Parks and Recreation proposes temporary off-leash area during Westcrest Off-Leash Area construction project 

information from Seattle Parks

Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) is investing in the maintenance of Westcrest Park and the Off-Leash Area (OLA). Over the past few years, the maintenance project has grown from a simple drainage improvement project to a $505,000 project that will address drainage, access and erosion.


E-Scooters coming to North Highline; Many questions remain unanswered

In early October the King County Council approved a pilot program that will introduce e-scooters to North Highline. The one year program is due to start in November. The idea behind it said Councilmember and sponsor Joe McDermott is "increased mobility." 

These stand up, electric powered vehicles are getting a mixed reception in cities across the nation and raise questions that in some cases are not finding complete answers.

At the September 17 meeting of the Council's Mobility and Environment Committee 25 year White Center resident Cindi Falkey rose to speak to those issues.


Duwamish Alive! “Saving our Salmon, Saves our Orcas” event at T-107 Oct. 19

Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition, Duwamish Valley Youth Corps, Duwamish Alive Coalition, Port of Seattle, EarthCorps, Puget Sound Stewards, DIRT Corps and Puget SoundKeeper to host a Duwamish Alive! site at T-107 for stewardship and maintenance work.

WHAT:  Promote awareness of healthy, functioning habitat in the Duwamish River. Empower community members in direct stewardship through volunteer work parties and environmental education. Maintain and improve the collaboration of organizations, businesses and municipalities working in the Duwamish River Watershed to provide integrated efforts and solutions

Increase awareness of environmental issues impacting the Green-Duwamish Watershed

WHEN: Saturday, October 19, 2019 10 am- 2 pm

WHERE:T-107 Park

 4700 West Marginal Way SW

Seattle WA 98106 


Early Design Guidance Review meeting set for 7 story bldg. in the Junction

A Land Use Application has been filed with the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections to allow a 7-story building with 44 apartment units, 14 small efficiency dwelling units (58 units total), lodging and retail. Parking for 17 vehicles proposed. Existing building to be demolished. Early Design Guidance Review conducted under 3032079-EG. A Early Design Guidance Review Meeting is set for Thursday Nov. 7.


Date: Thursday, November 7, 2019 Time: 6:30 pm

Location: West Seattle Senior Center, 4217 SW Oregon St, Hatten Hall

All meeting facilities are ADA compliant. Translators/interpreters provided upon request.

Call the Public Resource Center at prc@seattle.gov or (206) 684-8467 at least five business days prior to the meeting to request this service.


Plans for Highland Park Way & SW Holden Intersection to be discusse: SDOT comes to HPAC

 On Wednesday, October 23, 2019 the Highland Park Action Committee will welcome Sam Zimbabwe, Director  of Seattle Department of Transportation to discuss the long delayed and much discussed traffic circle or other intersection control options at the corner of Highland Park Way SW and SW Holden Street.

October Agenda

7pm – Welcome & Introductions
7:10 – Announcements
7:15 – with Sam Zimbabwe, Director of Seattle Department of Transportation to talk about an intersection control solution at Highland Park Way SW / SW Holden St. as well as other plans for the area.

8:15 – Seattle Parks and Recreation update on the Westcrest Off-Leash Area construction project: SPR will present the construction project and temporary off-leash plan


Halloween Carnival will haunt the "Log Cabin" in White Center Oct. 26

The Annual King County Parks Family Halloween Carnival is coming up on Saturday, October 26th from 2-5pm at the White Center Community Center, in Steve Cox Memorial Park (1321 SW 102nd 98146.)

Local teens have planned nearly 30 different spooky town-themed crafts and games for local children ages 10 and under.  Brave the tunnels of the Underground Obstacle Course, mail yourself a letter from the Spooky Town Post Office, get a little messy at the Slime Factory, show off your artistic skills at a craft table, march thru town in the costume parade at 3:30pm, catch the Magic show at 3:45pm, and win some not so valuable prizes at some of the Spooky Town game booths.
