Free sidewalk and curb space permits to help small businesses reopen in Phase Two
information from the City of Seattle
information from the City of Seattle
The City of SeaTac is hosting a recycling event for all King County residents at the North SeaTac Park Parking Lot. Materials to be collected are: shredding, scrap metal, porcelain, motor oil, anti-freeze, Styrofoam, plastic bags, donation items for NorthWest Center, batteries, CFL light Bulbs and latex paint.
They are also requesting the following precautions be met:
Carbon fiber-reinforced polymer wrap, more post-tensioned steel and more epoxy comprise the focus of the emergency repair and stabilization of the ailing West Seatttle Bridge. This, according to the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) in the third of a series on onging meetings on the transportation crisis affecting West Seattle since March 23.
The City also extended its response deadline for its Request for Qualifications submissions for replacement of the bridge to July 9.
The low/swing bridge is now open to all traffic after 9pm SDOT said after getting unanimous agreement from the Community Task Force.
The online meeting featured an update from Matt Donahue, Roadway Structures Manager for SDOT. He outlined how the process will work.
information from West Seattle Transportation Coalition
The West Seattle Transportation Coalition June meeting is this Thursday, June 25th at 6:30 p.m. We will be meeting online using Zoom (please see details below).
We have representatives from several local agencies lined up to join us. Here’s who is scheduled and what we plan to discuss: