LETTER: A bunch of lunatics
To the editor:
I received my copy of Westside Seattle today, read it and realized that there is not a single article or opinion about the idiotic things the Seattle City Council is doing. The Times is covering that topic well. If you can excoriate Trump (well deserved) it seems that you can do the same thing to the City Council for many of The same actions. Seattle is losing its democracy to knee jerk decisions, very limited input only from the progressive left and it’s special interest groups. I realize that you put Carmen Best’s speech in but also added several pages of Lisa Herbold glossing over her and the council’s behavior without a counter opinion. She is trying to make herself look better in the midst of a horrible mess that she is partly responsible for. You know what she promised to the people of West Seattle to get elected and that she is in no way following through with her campaign promises. The council have all turned into
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