On Wednesday, June 8, there will be two opportunities for people to learn more about the Mercer West Project and how it affects Ballard.
The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is sending a representative to appear at the Ballard District Council meeting to present an informational update titled "Alternatives to Untie the West Mercer Place Knot & Why It Is So Important For Ballard."
The Ballard District Meeting is held at the Ballard Library and starts at 7 p.m.
Also on Wednesday, June 8, SDOT is hosting an open house at Seattle Center to talk about the preliminary designs for the Mercer West Project, including the underpass at Aurora Avenue and the two‐way conversion of Roy and Mercer streets between Fifth Avenue N and Queen Anne Avenue N.
In addition, SDOT will show recommendations for West Mercer Place and West Mercer Street, based on the evaluation of alternatives and input from stakeholders.
The project team will be available from 4:30 to 7 p.m. in the Rainier Room (within the Northwest Rooms Plaza) to solicit ideas from the public and answer questions about current preliminary design concepts.
The Mercer West Project would complete the City’s vision for a direct, two‐way connection between I‐5 and Elliott Avenue West, continuing where the Mercer East Project leaves off. The proposed improvements include:
• Widening Mercer between Dexter Avenue N and Fifth Avenue N, including the underpass at
Aurora to provide three lanes in each direction, left‐turn lanes, wider sidewalks, and a bicycle
• Converting Mercer Street to two‐way operation with two lanes in each direction and turn
pockets between Fifth Avenue N and Queen Anne Avenue N;
• Converting Roy Street to a two‐way street with one lane in each direction and bicycle lanes
between Fifth Avenue N and Queen Anne Avenue N;
• Creating a new Sixth Avenue N connection between Mercer and Harrison Streets; and;
• Closing Broad Street to re‐connect the street grid between Ninth Ave N and Fifth Ave N.
For more information on the Mercer West Project, visit: www.seattle.gov/transportation/mercer_west.htm.