Officers Testerman and McGlashan were out on Green Lake on June 30th to remind swimmers of the 50 feet rule.
In the early morning hours of Thursday, June 30, Community Police Officers Scott McGlashan and Travis Testerman were out in a boat on Green Lake warning swimmers to stay out of the middle of the lake.
"We're not ticketing, just trying to get the word out that swimmers should stay within 50 feet from the shore," said Testerman.
The SPD has been receiving an increased amount of complaints from rowers who had to come to a near halt because swimmers were in their way, McGlashan said.
According to a Seattle Parks and Recreation ordinance, swimmers are prohibited from swimming more than 50 feet off the shore.
"We're just trying to find something that works for everyone - the swimmers, the shells, and the fishers," Testermann said.
Row boats are all over the lake during crew season and generally not paying attention to potential swimmers.
"We don't want swimmers in an area where they're going to run into boats," Testerman said.
The middle of the lake is generally where boats have the right-of-way and Testerman said the best place for swimmers to train uninterruptedly is the from the Bathhouse to the rental area.
Green Lake falls under the jurisdiction of the The Harbor Patrol but the community police officers were asked to go out on the lake to serve as a reminder to swimmers.
"We're hoping that word-of-mouth will solve the problem," Testerman said.
Swimmers could get a $72 ticket for swimming more than 50 feet from the shore if this continues to be a safety issue.
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