Seattle Public Schools teachers to take furlough days
Interim Superintendent Dr. Susan Enfield applauds the SEA membership and non-represented employees for agreeing to take furlough days during these difficult economic times.
Wed, 08/10/2011
Following approval Tuesday night by the Seattle Education Association, Seattle Public Schools teachers, classified staff and non-represented employees will be taking a series of furlough days without pay during the next two school years, designed to offset the state Legislature’s recent $4-million reduction in funding for SPS salaries.
The SEA’s Representative Assembly Tuesday night approved a memorandum of understanding authorizing a package of furlough days during the 2011-12 and 2012-13 school years. Members of the Principals Association of Seattle Schools (PASS), which represents SPS principals and assistant principals, approved a similar memorandum of understanding in July.
“We applaud the SEA membership as well as our non-represented employees for agreeing to take furlough days during these difficult economic times,” said Interim Superintendent Dr. Susan Enfield. “While both Seattle Public Schools and SEA leadership recognize the hardship of taking time off without pay, it is the best way to minimize the impact on classrooms and our students.”
Seattle Public Schools faced a $45 million budget shortfall this year. More than 90 positions were eliminated from Central Office, as well as 27.5 certificated employees and 27 full-time classified staff positions. Making difficult cuts and creating cost-saving measures like furlough days help keep funding in the classroom.
The first furlough day will be on Wednesday, August 31. On that day, all employees represented by SEA and PASS – as well as all non-represented staff – will be furloughed and prohibited from working. All extra-curricular activities, including athletic practices, will be canceled on August 31. While district business will essentially be halted that day, there will be employees working in some buildings since not all of the district’s collective bargaining partners agreed to accept furloughs.
Under the memorandum of understanding approved Tuesday night, all SEA-represented employees, who include teachers and classified staff, will take one-and-a-half furlough days: a full day August 31 plus a half-day on a yet-to-be-determined date in 2012.
"The state decided to make deep cuts to public education,” SEA President Olga Addae said. “Through the collective bargaining process, the SEA and SPS were able to collaborate and work out what we believe is the best for all concerned. SEA is committed to working with the public to ensure public education is fully funded."
Non-represented staff will be taking either two or four days of furlough – depending on their employment level – including the August 31 date. PASS employees have also agreed to take a full furlough day August 31,