After nearly twenty years, longtime banker and Ballardite Ozzie Kvithammer recently retired from Viking Bank, leaving behind him many memories, customers and friends.
"I will miss my associates and customers greatly. It is indeed fortunate that I live in this area," he said.
Kvithammer has been associated with Viking Bank since it's formation in 1992 and was part of the original management team.
"It has been great fun to be part of a community bank. Community banking has always been exciting and as one of the first start up community banks in the area Viking was a pioneer," he said.
"My fondest memories are those of customers in the community that we made a real difference for, as well as the long term relationships that I have developed in Ballard and the ajacent communities."
To Dan Redeker, Market Manager at Viking Bank, Kvithammer was a mentor.
"I know him as a mentor who helped to teach or reinforce many things for me, including the meaning and importance of being a community banker, the personal reward you receive by helping your community and how to cook lutefisk," he said. "It will be difficult to replace Ozzie’s energy, passion and commitment to Viking Bank and our customers in the Ballard community."
Redeker added that Kvithammer poured every bit of himself into Viking Bank and much of the culture and sense of community at the bank can be attributed to his influence.
Following his retirement party, Kvithammer left for a three-week trip to Norway with his grandson. Once he returns, her said he plans on using his time to help others.
"Regarding retirement I think the key thing is to reinvent myself and use my time effectively to benefit others," he said.
Already an active member of multiple community organizations, Kvithammer said he looks forward to volunteering even more.
Kvithammer has already taken the Presidency of the Ballard Kiwanis for this fall, is active with the Norwegian Commercial Club, and hopes to be more involved with the Nordic Heritage Museum.
"I feel that the key is to stay active and be interested in learning new things as well as keeping physically fit," he said.