Mayor Mike McGinn announced today that his upcoming 2012 Proposed Budget will allocate a number of revenue sources to invest in community infrastructure that has suffered in recent years. The Northwest Senior Center in Ballard and the Ballard Community Center will benefit under this budget, each receiving much-needed roof improvements.
Mayor Mike McGinn announced today that his upcoming 2012 Proposed Budget will allocate a number of revenue sources to invest in the maintenance, preservation and improvement of community centers and streets.
The Northwest Senior Center in Ballard and the Ballard Community Center will benefit under this budget, each receiving much-needed roof improvements.
Community infrastructure has suffered in recent years as a result of the Great Recession and weak Real Estate Excise Tax revenue collections but for the coming year, McGinn aims to make an extra effort to preserve and improve existing community infrastructure.
"Even in a time of constrained revenue, we are making an extra effort to invest in existing community infrastructure and assets, such as senior and community centers, parks facilities, and our streets. These investments will pay dividends to Seattle residents now and well into the future," McGinn said.
The long-term investments announced today include:
- A total of $1.9 million will be allocated for new roofs at six city-owned facilities in 2012 including Northwest Senior Center in Ballard.
- $9.8 million in savings from the 2008 Parks Levy, resulting from an advantageous bidding climate, will be used to 17 Parks preservation projects including:
◦ Ballard Community Center Roof Replacement
◦ Beacon Hill Playground Comfort Station Renovation
◦ Comfort Station Renovations- 2008 Parks Levy (sites to be determined)
◦ Evers Pool Roof Repairs
◦ Fairmount Park Playground Comfort Station Renovation
◦ Fairmount Park Playground Fence Replacement
◦ Garfield Community Center Roof Replacement
◦ Green Lake Bathhouse Roof Replacement
◦ Lower Woodland Playfield Tennis Court Lights Replacement
◦ Loyal Heights Boiler and Electrical System Replacement
◦ Madrona Playground Shelterhouse Restrooms Renovation
◦ Matthews Beach Park Bathhouse Renovation
◦ Queen Anne Pool Plaster Liner Replacement
◦ Rainier Beach Playfield Play Area Renovation
◦ Rainier Beach Playfield Tennis Courts and Lighting Replacement
◦ Seward Park Water System Replacement
◦ Van Asselt Community Center Gym Roof Replacement
"After several months of discussion the Parks & Green Spaces Levy Oversight Committee chose to re-allocate approximately $10 million from the Inflation fund within the Levy," said Parks & Green Spaces Levy Oversight Committee Chair Pete Spalding. "We chose a set of projects that were on the Parks Department's Major Maintenance backlog. We then held a Public Hearing on this proposal. After hearing from the public, the Mayor's office and Council Member Bagshaw we voted to move this set of projects forward for funding with these re-allocated funds."
- Proceeds from the sale of the Rubble Yard property to the Washington State Department of Transportation in mid-2011 will go towards a variety of projects:
◦ $3 million of the $19.8 total proceeds are being spent in 2011 to support critical surface street repair needs. The mayor's 2012 Proposed Budget recommends using an additional $6.7 million in Rubble Yard proceeds in 2012.
◦ Improving the City's preparedness for winter storms, including the installation of temperature sensors on seven bridges to enhance the City's capabilities to prevent and respond to the traffic snarling resulting from iced bridge surfaces during the cold winter months. This investment is particularly important as the winter of 2011-2012 is projected to be colder and wetter than normal.
◦ SDOT core services such as street cleaning, bridge painting, neighborhood traffic control, and freight spot improvements; high-capacity transit planning; the Mercer West project; and the relocation of the former Rubble Yard operations to a new location.
◦ Further plans for the Rubble Yard proceeds are described in greater detail in the mayor's proposed budget to be submitted to Council on September 26th.
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