A ghost bike memorial now marks the spot along Dexter Avenue where Mike Wang was struck by a hit-and-run driver while bike commuting home. He was one of the many bicyclist fatalities that occurred in Seattle this year.
The final meeting of the mayor's Road Safety Summit will take place in the Bertha Knight Landes Room of City Hall (600 4th Avenue) tonight from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m.
Convened by Mayor Mike McGinn and members of the Seattle City Council, the summit centers around safety and responsibility on Seattle streets.
"Working together, we will develop a shared citywide commitment to safety and develop an action plan that will lead to safer streets for all," Mayor Mike McGinn.
The Summit centers around three basic questions:
- What do you think are the highest priority safety problems to solve on Seattle roads?
- What do you think are the most important things to do to make Seattle roads safer?
- We often talk about what government can do to promote safety. What are the ways that non-governmental groups and individuals can promote safety?
Since the summit meetings started in October, the city has collated the public's ideas, and the Summit Workgroup is beginning to develop action areas and next steps based on what they’ve heard from you, what traffic safety data tells us, and best practices.
This final meeting will be an opportunity to hear what the next steps are for Road Safety in Seattle.
Can’t come tonight?
By the end of the day, go online to http://www.seattle.gov/roadsafety/comments.htm to provide your thoughts and ideas on how to improve safety on Seattle streets.