Jeopardy! is reuniting 15 of its recent champions for a head-to-head competition for a chance to win a quarter million dollars. One of these champions is Ballard's Tom Nissley.
Jeopardy! is reuniting 15 of its recent champions for a head-to-head competition for a chance to win a quarter million dollars. One of these champions is Ballard's Tom Nissley, who became the third-highest winning Jeopardy player ever last December, winning $250,000.
The 2011 Tournament of Champions will begin November 2, and will feature the show’s recent highest money earners.
Since 1985, more than 300 contestants have competed in the tournament, with nearly $5.4 million in cash prizes awarded to the participating players. The featured champs for the upcoming 2011 Tournament of Champions have accumulated more than $1.9 million in cash prizes in their initial appearances on the show.
The Tournament of Champions will air November 2 through 15 on CBS. The winner will take home a quarter of a million dollars while the second place winner will earn a minimum of $100,000 and third place $50,000. Semifinalists receive $10,000, and contestants eliminated in the first round receive $5,000.
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