Mayor Mike McGinn, Police Chief John Diaz and Assistant Chief of Operations Mike Sanford today announced a package of new reform initiatives for the Seattle Police Department, with the goal of supporting a just and effective police force.
Mayor Mike McGinn, Police Chief John Diaz and Assistant Chief of Operations Mike Sanford today announced a package of new reform initiatives for the Seattle Police Department, with the goal of supporting a just and effective police force.
"As mayor of Seattle I am committed to a police force that protects public safety, fights crime, and treats every individual fairly. High profile incidents and the Department of Justice investigation highlighted longstanding community concerns about police practices. At the same time, there are deep public concerns about safety in our neighborhoods. We must respond to both. I have made it my job to reach out and listen to all perspectives," stated McGinn.
The reforms go far beyond a response to the Department of Justice report, said McGinn. And are to be completed in the next 20 months.
The reforms fall under five major categories:
• Protecting Constitutional Rights
• Training for Seattle’s Values
• Earning Public Trust
• Using Data-Driven Practices
• Partnering with the Public
The 20 initiatives, as announced by Mayor McGinn, are:
Protecting Constitutional Rights
1. Reform Management of Public Demonstrations
2. Develop Protocols to Prevent Low-Level Offenses from Escalating
3. Address Biased Policing
Training for Seattle’s Values
4. Train All Officers on Use of Force Standards Consistent with Seattle’s Values
5. Train Officers in Appropriate Search and Seizure Practices
6. Improve Supervision by Creating a Sergeant’s Academy
7. Improve Leadership by Creating a Commander Academy
8. Train New Officers to Understand Seattle
Earning Public Trust
9. Improve Review of Uses of Force
10. Develop a Binding, Written Code of Ethics
11. Recruit Great Officers
12. Systematic Enforcement of Professional Standards
13. Enhance Early Intervention Systems
Using Data-Driven Practices
14. Implement a Data-Driven Approach to Policing
15. Work with Major City Police Departments to Develop Best Practices
Partnering With the Public
16. Listen and Engage with Equity and Dignity
17. Launch a Customer Service Initiative
18. Provide Better Information to the Public
19. Improve Transparency and Accountability
20. Launch a Community Outreach Initiative
"The changes we are proposing are intended to be lasting and sustainable. They will give Seattle a department that earns respect as it protects the people we serve," said McGinn. "We believe these 20 initiatives will help build a great police department that is professional, accountable, effective, and fair"