Laura K. Cooper, Jay Craig, Peggy Sturdivant, Mary Schile, Cass O'Callaghan, Kris Royer Collins & Marion Hafterson accepted the award on behalf of Ballard Historical Society.
The Association of King County Historical Organizations held their 29th annual awards presentation on Tuesday, April 24th, and presented the Charles Payton Award for Heritage Advocacy to Ballard Historical Society (BHS) for their “Bring the Ring Back to Ballard” project.
The association also presented author Paul Dorpat with a Legacy Award for his 30 year Now & Then Series.
In presenting the award to BHS, King County Councilman Larry Phillips cited the community support for the original bell tower project that was also part of the last year’s project to automate the iconic bell so that it now rings on the hour.
Accepting on behalf of Ballard Historical Society, Steering Committee member Cass O’Callaghan thanked the Department of Neighborhoods for their Small & Simple Grant and all of the businesses and individuals who helped to fulfill beloved local teacher Mrs. Bertha Davis’ desire to complete the project started in 1987.
At the end of the awards ceremony, John Chaney, AKCHO Board President, checked the time and declared that the evening had gone a bit past curfew, a reference to one of the Ballard Bell’s original ring times. With that the sound of the Ballard Bell rang out for the entire audience and Chaney pronounced, “This one’s for you Bertha.”