The 2013-14 city of Seattle budget -- and all of the benefits and ramifications it could bring -- doesn’t end with the mayor’s proposal.
Now that the mayor has set forth his ideas, it is time for the city council to do their own deliberations. The official deliberations last from late September to early November.
This won’t be done without input from the community, though. The public has two chances to weigh in on the budget.
The first will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 4 in the Seattle City Hall Council Chamber, starting at 5:30 p.m. Signups for comments happen at 5 p.m. If you miss that one, the second hearing will be on Thursday, Oct. 25 at 5:30 p.m., same place.
At these meetings, the public will also be able to comment on the 2013 General Revenue Sources, the 2013 Update to the 2009–2012 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development, the Elliott Bay Seawall Project, and the Waterfront Improvement Program
November 1 and 2, the city council will hold the “Presentation and Discussion of Options.” Nov. 7-9, they will make their final decisions and vote. The budget committee will then officially adopt the 2013-14 budget on Nov. 19.
More information can be found at