Mike Stewart, the new interim executive director for the Ballard Chamber of Commerce
After 12-and-one-half years, the Ballard Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Beth Miller has resigned from her position.
The move was sudden and unexpected, but a replacement was quickly found.
Taking her place as Interim Executive Director is Mike Stewart, who the Chamber describes as "a seasoned marketing communications professional with a strong background in community relations, community organizing and coalition building."
Stewart’s experience includes communications work for AT&T, Cingular, Terabeam, Vulcan, Sprint, Boeing, the Indian Health Board, the Experience Music Project and more. He has also served as an aide to a Washington member of Congress and as a campaign manager for a successful mayoral candidate of Tacoma.
First things first, Stewart plans on settling in and getting to know the membership. He will be working with the board to implement several initiatives identified during this past year's visioning process, including the creation of a Business Improvement Area.
Stewart was hired for his ability to quickly take hold of the reigns, but his stay will only be temporary and part-time. The Ballard Chamber of Commerce is actively searching for a new executive director.