Wednesday is this month's open-to-the-public Ballard District Council meeting. As usual, the good folks of Ballard will be convening at 7 p.m. in the Ballard Branch Library Conference Room.
Councilmember Richard Conlin, who chairs Seattle's Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee, will be dropping by to chat. Of course, this means you can direct all of your questions about condos and apartment complexes -- as well as the future of Ballard -- at him, so come prepared with your best questions.
Additionally, proposals from Ballard groups for funds from Bridging the Gap Levy's Neighborhood Street Funds program will also be presented to the Ballard District Council.
And there's more. Just see the agenda below, and come hang out. (I will be there.)
7:00 Introductions & Short Announcements - please hold announcements to not more than one min.
7:15 A Chat with Seattle City Council Member Richard Conlin
Richard chairs the Council’s influential Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability Committee. He also chairs or serves on several Council Special Committees including: Library Levy, SR520, Alaskan Way Viaduct and Seawall Replacement, and Central Waterfront Planning. Richard was first elected to the Seattle City Council in November 1997 after many years of public service with Seattle-based community organizations.
7:40 Preview – Ballard District Proposals to 2013 NSF
The Bridging the Gap Levy passed by voters in 2006 provided for $360M over nine years to fund transportation projects in Seattle. One component of the levy called the NSF (Neighborhood Streets Fund) provides for three funding cycles of $4.5M each during 2007, 2010 and 2013. The NSF can fund transportation improvements, proposed by citizens, which are valued from $100K to $700K. Applications are due by December 17, 2012. From the list of proposals submitted in the Ballard district, the Ballard DC will select three which will be evaluated further for cost and feasibility. Although that decision will be made at the Ballard DC meeting on January 9, this will be an opportunity for those intending to submit an application to provide a brief overview of their proposal. Each presentation will have up to two minutes to introduce the issue which they’d like to see addressed by NSF resources.
7:55 Ballard Food Bank, Nancy McKinney, Executive Director
8:00 Report from City Neighborhood Council, Jody Grage
8:05 Staff Report, Rob Mattson
8:10 Executive Committee Report,
- Formal comment on Draft EIS for the Seawall Replacement project, Don Benson
- A draft of the proposed comments will be distributed to BDC members on Monday, December 10
- Ballard DC sponsored survey on transit service
- Ballard DC response to Seattle Public Utilities – CSO (Combined Sewer Overflow) plan for Ballard, Catherine Weatbrook & Liz Tennant
- Ballard Prepares – training opportunity, Catherine Weatbrook
8:20 Adjourn/Holiday Refreshments
Ballard DC officers will furnish seasonal treats; possibly including pickled herring. Please feel welcome to bring your favorite holiday baked items to share with others.
Please bring a donation of non perishable food, personal hygiene products, or a cash donation for the Ballard Food Bank.