After community members expressed their concerns, the Department of Planning and Development issued a decision which grants progress to the Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI)'s low-income senior housing -- so long as several conditions are met.
The building in question is a six-story, 51-unit, 1,878 sq. ft. mixed use building that will house low-income senior housing, to be located at 2014 NW 57th St. In addition, though permitting has been postponed, LIHI plans to include on the bottom floor an Urban Rest Stop, which will provide hygiene services for people who need it.
For the conditions, DPD took into consideration community concerns, which were expressed at meetings and through letters to the editor here. Most were about the proposed Urban Rest Stop, as it is assumed permitting will go forward on it sometime this year.
Among the concerns: security and loitering, garbage collection and access at the site, storage spaces so patrons of Urban Rest Stop don't stash belongings outside, privacy and visibility of neighboring houses, loss of sunlight, and height of the building.
If the conditions are met, DPD concludes in their environmental review -- which includes impacts on the neighboring area -- that the building would have a Determination of Non-Significance. This means that if the conditions are met, the building can go forward.
Here are some of the major conditions that DPD asks to be met. You can view a full, detailed list here.
- For the scale, DPD suggested building out more into the front yard and reducing the height.
- Plans should include a waiting room to prevent guests from congregating outside.
- Plans should include a storage room to prevent belongings from being stored outside.
- Garbage collection should be separate from the front entrance.
- For privacy, trees should be shifted to screen line of sights on the southeast corner and fenestration should be designed to prevent direct views into adjacent buildings' windows.
- All entries should be "inviting, gracious, safe and respectful."
The decision can still be appealed. Seattle's Hearing Examiner must receive the appeal request by Feb. 7, 2013.
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