On Wednesday, Feb. 13, get ready for another Ballard District Council meeting. It will feature the introduction of a Ballard-to-Downtown high capacity transit study (which could mean light rail for Ballard); the Ballard District Council's much awaited transit survey (coughRapidRideDcough); a "chat" with City Councilmember Tim Burgess, who is also running for mayor; and the introduction of Officer Tim Wear, who will be taking the place of the much beloved Scott McGlashan on the community police team (we're sure Wear is great, too).
Here's the full agenda:
7:00 -- Introductions & Short Announcements - please hold announcements to not more than one min.
7:15 -- Ballard to Downtown Transit Expansion Study, Karen Waterman, PM – Sound Transit
and Michael James – SDOT
Sound Transit and Seattle DOT formally launch this project which will evaluate demand, potential transit alignments, and modes of transit service between downtown Seattle and Ballard. For more information
7:40 -- Ballard District Transit Survey – Results & Evaluation, Dennis Galvin, Kirk Robbins, & Catherine Weatbrook
More than 1000 persons participated in this late January 2013 survey of transit riders in the Ballard area.
7:45 -- A Chat with City Councilmember Tim Burgess
CM Burgess chairs the Council committee on Government Performance and Finance as well as the Labor Relations Policy Committee and Special Committee on Budget. He also serves on the Energy and Environment Committee. Tim was first elected to the City Council in 2007.
8:05 -- Introducing Officer Tim Wear
Tim recently replaced Scott McGlashan as SPD’s North Precinct Community Police Team officer assigned to the Ballard district. Scott McGlashan has accepted a position in SPD’s Harbor Patrol Unit. We are very lucky to have Tim on our side. He is a 28-year veteran with SPD; and will be a determined problem solver for some of our more stubborn public safety concerns.
8:10 -- Staff Report, Rob Mattson
8:15 -- Solarize NW – opportunity for NW Seattle residents to retrofit with solar power, Jenny Heins – Sustainable Ballard
8:20 -- Executive Committee Report, Catherine Weatbrook
8:30 -- Adjourn
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