On Sunday night, Feb. 10, a hit and run occurred in the Blue Ridge area around 8:15 p.m., totaling the victim's car.
The victim said that a red Nissan, possibly a Pathfinder, plowed in his 2010 Honda CRV parking in front of his home on NW 85th St and 24th Ave NW, and then sped off. The victim had yelled at the driver to stop and said the suspect almost ran him over. The victim said he was able to get a partial number on the license plate, which possibly started with AJA 616 --.
The victim said he and his wife are in their 70s and that the Honda was going to be the last car they purchased in their lifetime. Costs from the damage also means they have to cancel their last fishing trip to Alaska, the victim said.
In a Craigslist rant ad, the victim posted, "Pray that the bad karma you have generated does not come on to your parents in their old age. I just hope it comes back on you tenfold."
If you know anything, you may contact the Seattle Police Department North Precinct at (206) 684-0850, or the victim at RedNissanHandR@aol.com.
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