After a pursuit, officers shot a suspect wielding a "large piece of metal" last night according to the SPD Blotter.
At about 7:30 p.m., Feb. 26, police responded to a call about domestic violence disturbance and a possible hostage situation on the 10000 Block of 4th Ave NW. According to the 911 caller, a family member was threatening to hold the father hostage with a knife, but when officers arrived, the suspect was walking out the front door.
The suspect would not comply with officers, attempted to go back inside, was tazed apparently ineffectively, and then started running down the street.
Officers gave chase, but in Three Stooges style the suspect stopped abruptly and one officer slipped and fell at the suspect's feet. The slapstick turned sour when the suspect rose what police only identified as a "large piece of metal," forcing (according to the SPD blotter) responding officers to fire, shooting the suspect several times.
Officers immediately called the Fire Department and the suspect was transported to Harborview. The report does not state whether the suspect died.
Detectives came to the scene and the case remains an active and ongoing investigation.
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