Yesterday, Michael "Mikey" Hall, who had been homeless and was in his late 50s, died during the St. Luke Episcopal Church's breakfast program yesterday. He was a regular of the program.
To the best of Pastor Robert Laird's knowledge, Hall had collapsed in the restroom around 9 a.m. When it was discovered he was non-responsive, paramedics were called, but attempts to resuscitate him were unsuccessful.
"Mikey was a beloved member of the community and his passing was grieved by many people, both in the homeless community in Ballard and in the church."
Laird said he did not know much about Hall's past.
Jean Darsie, of the Ballard Community Task Force on Homelessness and Hunger, said volunteers were very saddened by the event.
"It has shaken people up pretty bad -- especially the volunteers who work so consistently to serve meals to help people -- to have someone die right there," she said.
We will update the article when we get more information.
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