Ballard District Council is taking place tonight, Wednesday, July 10, 7 p.m. at the Ballard Branch Library.
A guest from Australia will be making a guest lecture and Ballardites will learn about how the Bike Master Plan affects them.
But if those two items aren't enough to convince you, then you should know that it's the annual ice cream social!
With that in mind, you can expect reporter/renowned ice cream lover Zachariah Bryan to be there.
7:00 -- Introductions & Short Announcements - please hold announcements to not more than one min.
7:15 -- What can Ballard and Sydney, Australia learn from each other about good urban design, accommodating growth, and broadening participation, Andy Marlow, Cox Architecture, Sydney, Australia.
Andy is a well recognized architect/urban planner in Australia. He is in the U.S. studying community engagement practices in Seattle, Vancouver, BC, and Chicago.
7:35 -- Staff Report, Rob Mattson
7:40 -- Executive Committee Report, Catherine Weatbrook
7:50 -- Annual Ballard DC Ice Cream Social. This year, America West Bank is proving the ice cream.
8:05 -- Updating Seattle’s Bike Master Plan, Kevin O’Neill, Project Manager, SDOT. A close up view of what’s in the plan for the Ballard district.
8:30 -- Adjourn
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