36th District Democrats recommend sole endorsement of Murray
Ed Murray
Fri, 08/30/2013
From the 36th District Democrats
The 36th District Democrats' Executive Board has recommended the sole endorsement of Ed Murray to its membership for a second time. The board recommended him during the primary, but the membership voted affirmatively not to endorse any candidate and instead revisit the issue in September.
The board recommended Murray with a vote of 10 in favor and 5 against. “As a board we've been moved by Murray’s leadership in Olympia, and we want that same leadership for our city. He’s uniquely qualified and has proven he gets results,” says Joseph Peha, the Communications Director.
The 36th District Democrats take great care and thoughtfulness in these decisions. “It’s a fair, open, deliberative process,” says Jeff Manson, the Chair of the organization. “Candidates filled out a multi-page questionnaire, engaged in a videotaped interview with the board, and addressed our membership.” All campaigns that receive the eventual endorsement of the 36th District Democrats get a powerful grassroots boost: more than 150 Precinct Committee Officers knock on thousands of doors to get the vote out for endorsed candidates. The 36th District typically produces the most Democratic votes of any Legislative District in the state, particularly in recent years.
Now that the board has made its endorsement recommendations, the membership will vote on them at its next meeting on September,18th at 7PM at the Phinney Neighborhood Center. The motion to give Ed Murray the sole district endorsement will require a simple majority of the membership to pass. If it fails, any member is free to offer another endorsement motion from the floor, but it will require a 2/3 vote to be successful.
Altogether, the board newly recommended the following positions to the membership:
- Seattle Mayor: Ed Murray
- Initiative 517 (Eyman Initiative Reform): Rejected
- Initiative 522 (GMO Labeling): Approved
- Advisory Votes 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7: Maintained
- King County Medic One and EMS Levy: Approved
- Seattle Charter Amendment 19 (District Elections): (No recommendation made)
- Seattle Proposition 1 (Public Financing of Campaigns): Approved
- WA Court of Appeals, Div. I, Dist. 1, Pos. 3: James Verellen
- Seattle School District Director Dist. IV: Suzanne Dale Estey and Sue Peters (dual)
- Seattle School District Director Dist. V: Stephan Blanford
- Seattle School District Director Dist. VII: Betty Patu
IMPORTANT: These are recommendations only and are merely the first step of an endorsement process that culminates in the endorsement meeting of our membership on September 18th at the Phinney Neighborhood Center.
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