Development: Three more subdivisions and two subdivision approvals in Ballard
Thu, 01/23/2014
Here’s an update on Land Use applications in Ballard area from Seattle Development and Planning Department.
There are three applications and two approvals. According to the DPP, your comments on proposed land use actions must be submitted in writing to the Public Resource Center either by email to, by fax to (206) 233-7901, or by mail to:
Department of Planning and Development
ATTN: Public Resource Center or Assigned Planner
700 Fifth Ave, Ste 2000
P.O. Box 34019
Seattle, WA 98124-4019
Please include the project, project address, and your mailing address with your comment.
For 2031 N.W. 60th St. there is an application to subdivide the site into two unit lots. The construction of residential units are under Project #6378346. This subdivision of property is only for the purpose of allowing sale or lease of the unit lots. Development standards will be applied to the original parcel and not to each of the new unit lots. The property is zones as LOWRISE 1, LOWRISE 2, URBAN VILLAGE OVERLAY, AIRPORT HEIGHT DISTRICT.
For 9048 15th Ave. N.W. there is an application to subdivide one development site into five unit lots. The construction of residential units under Project #6364990. This subdivision of property is only for the purpose of allowing sale or lease of the unit lots. Development standards will be applied to the original parcel and not to each of the new unit lots. The property is zoned as URBAN VILLAGE OVERLAY, LOWRISE-2.
At 5523 34th Ave. N.W. there is an application to subdivide one development site into five unit lots. The construction of residential units are under Project #6350577. This subdivision of property is only for the purpose of allowing sale or lease of the unit lots. Development standards will be applied to the original parcel and not to each of the new unit lots. The property is zones as LOWRISE-1, SCENIC VIEW WITHIN 500 FT.
At 1758 N.W. 64th St. the application to subdivide one development site into two unit lots has been approved under Project #6344969. This subdivision of property is only for the purpose of allowing sale or lease of the unit lots. Development standards will be applied to the original parcel and not to each of the new unit lots. The property is zoned as LR1 .
At 1756 N.W. 64th St. the application to subdivide one development site into two unit lots has been approved under Project #6355534. This subdivision of property is only for the purpose of allowing sale or lease of the unit lots. Development standards will be applied to the original parcel and not to each of the new unit lots. The property is zoned as LR1.