The Department of Planning and Development announced an application and a decision for land action. The application is for a subdivision into three parcels. The decision is for a variance in design for a deck.
6312 17TH AVE NW:
Land Use Application to subdivide one parcel into three parcels of land. Proposed parcel sizes are: A) 2,600 sq. ft., B) 2,600 sq. ft.; and, C) 2,599 sq. ft.

Comments may be submitted through 10/01/2014 at
2847 NW 65th St:
The following appealable decisions have been made based on submitted plans:
Proposal Description
The applicant proposes to construct a 92 square foot front porch addition to an existing single
family residence. The proposed porch and its steps would extend into the front yard setback.
The existing front yard setback of 14’2 3/8” is based on an average with the neighbors. This
variance proposal would allow the principal structure to project into the front yard by 6’7”,
setting back from the right of way by 8’5”. Application No. 3017365
Granted - Variance to allow portion of principal structure to extend into required front yard.
Appeals of this decision must be received by the Hearing Examiner no later than 10/2/2014.