Election forum at Taproot Theatre this Oct. 21
Sun, 10/19/2014
Voters join Taproot Theatre (204 N 85th St. in Greenwood) Tuesday, October 21 at 7 p.m. for a campaign forum. Discuss the issues with other voters after they are presented. 36th District campaigners have been invited to introduce themselves.
7:00 - Welcome and settle in
7:10 - Dueling Seattle Early Childhood Education initiatives
7:45 - The Reduce Class Sizes state initiative
8:10 - Seattle Transportation Benefit District (for bus transit service)
8:20 - The New Monorail Initiative
8:30 - 36th District candidates* have been invited to introduce themselves
8:45 - Adjourn - cafe will stay open so you can talk to campaigners
*Not all candidates are able to attend.
This event is sponsored by the Greenwood, Broadview, Green Lake and Phinney Ridge community councils. Space is generously provided by the Taproot Theatre. There is no charge to attend, but donations to offset the Taproot's costs will be appreciated - and please plan to stop by Taproot's Stage Door Cafe before or after the event.