The once home of Edith Macefield will be bid on at the foreclosure auction March 13 if the present owner does not pay off almost $200,000.
Macefield refused to sell her home to developers after they offered her $1 million for her modest 1,000-square-foot house. She had lived in the dwelling since 1952. Developers of the now, Ballard Blocks, built the behemoth structure around Macefield’s property.
Barry Martin, Construction superintendent, and Macefield became friends and she willed her property to him before she died June 15, 2008 of pancreatic cancer. She was 86.
The home was later sold in 2009 to a company called Reach Returns. There were plans to elevate the home to the height of the Ballard Blocks, and open the bottoms level for open space, housing, plantings and water features. However these plans never got off the ground.
According to a foreclosure notice, the company now owes $185,956.04 on the property. Reach Returns has until March 13 to pay off the sum, otherwise the property will be open for auction bid.